Onedam(ワンダム)ヘアアイロン 三木電器産業様 ご来訪

日頃当社が大変お世話になっている仕入先の三木電器産業株式会社 三木尚文社長が先日ご来社されました。







そして蓄積されたそのノウハウをもとに検品だけでなく自社で輸入から販売までを行うために “Onedam” というブランドを立ち上げプロ用商品のメーカーへ転向することに。



お尋ねしたところ “使いやすさ”  が一番大切  とシンプルに三木社長

重量感やバランス、握り心地、髪をプレスした時の滑り感など、使用感は技術者にとって非常に大きな要素ですね。そして男性と比較して手の小さい女性でもストレスなく使えるためにサイズは小さくしなければならない分ハードルは上がります。一般的なサイズから更に軽薄短小にして機能をそこに集約できないか? 数ミリ単位のサイズダウンを考えて開発をしているそうです。 海外の展示会に行けば斬新なデザイン、おしゃれなデザインの商品は目にしますが、それらが決して使いやすいとは言えないとも語る三木社長

このような考えでプロ用のフィールドでモノづくりを行い約20年、一番大切にしている ”使いやすさ” を立証する出来事が起こります。

同社の一番の定番スタンダードモデルが AHI-252↓ ですが

Onedam The STANDARD AHI-252


同社の大切にしている ”使いやすさ” がユーザーである美容師さんに伝わり市民権を得た一例だと思います。美容師さん独自の意向でPRをされていったそうなので、モノ作りをしているメーカーさんにとっては一番やりがいのあることと思います。

このスタンダードモデルのアイロンで一気にブランドと商品の認知が上がった同社ですが、勢いに乗った三木社長は次に新たな付加価値の高いドライヤーの開発に挑戦します。”使いやすさ” という基本コンセプトはそのままに、新しい技術や機能を取り入れた従来のOnedamブランドからすると異例の価格設定のドライヤーを2020年の春に発売されました。

BLOW+ Speed ABD-701



”使いやすさ” という点に最も重点を置いてモノづくりを行うというシンプルなこだわりですがシンプルであるからこそ奥が深いように感じる対談でした。今後の新しい商品開発に更なる期待をしていきたいと思います。

三木社長 この度はありがとうございました。


Onedam hair iron Visit from Miki Denki Sangyo Co.

• July 22, 2022

President Naofumi Miki of Miki Denki Sangyo Co. who is a good business partner visited our office.

I would like to share some excerpts from our conversation with you.

Before I get into the main topic, let me introduce a little about Miki Denki Sangyo Co., now well-known for its Onedam hair irons.

The company was founded in 1986 by Takashi Miki, the father of President Miki’s predecessor.

The previous president left the engineering department of a major home appliance manufacturer to start his own business and began manufacturing and selling touch-sensor lights and power strips in Japan, which were not yet available at the time of opening.

After the bursting of the bubble economy, domestic companies shifted their manufacturing bases overseas to reduce production costs, and the number of domestic manufacturers gradually began to decline. And the previous president once worked at another company doing his own business.

In the 2000s, a hair stylist who was an acquaintance of the previous president asked him to inspect hair dryers imported from China, and for a time he took on the job of inspecting hair dryers on behalf of the company, accumulating the know-how needed to make these products suitable for professional use.

Based on the accumulated know-how, the company decided to launch the “Onedam” brand to handle not only inspection, but also importing and selling products on its own, and turned into a manufacturer of professional products.

With such a background, it is surprising that Miki Denki Sangyo did not make professional products when it was founded.

Whenever I have the opportunity to talk with a manufacturer, I always ask them a question. I ask them about their commitment to manufacturing and the (absolute added) value of their products. What is the company’s focus in making its products?

When we asked him about it, he simply said, “Ease of use is the most important thing.

The feel of the product is a very important factor for technicians in terms of weight, balance, comfort of grip, and slippage when pressing hair. And to think about women who have smaller hands than men, the size must be smaller to allow stress-free use is a higher hurdle. They think a possibility of further reducing the size from the standard size to a lighter, thinner, and smaller size and consolidate the functions into it. They are developing products with the idea of reducing the size by a few millimeters. President Miki says that although he sees products with innovative and fashionable designs at overseas exhibitions, he cannot say that they are easy to use.

After about 20 years of manufacturing products in the professional field with these ideas in mind, an event occurred that proved their most important concept, “ease of use.

The company’s most standardized standard model is AHI-252.↓

Onedam The STANDARD AHI-252

The first model, AHI-250, was released in 2006.
This model had been in stable supply as a standard product with a good balance between price and quality since that time, but after a certain point, the number of orders increased to about three times the normal level.
President Miki could not understand the reason for the increase, and when he checked with the trading company that had received the order, he found that a popular hair stylist at a very famous hair salon in Tokyo highly evaluated the AHI-250, and while selling the iron at the salon, he also distributed videos of his techniques and styling on YouTube, which led to an explosive spread of the AHI-250.

I think this is an example of the company’s emphasis on “usability” being conveyed to the users, the beauticians, and gaining citizenship. The beauticians’ own PR activities were conducted based on their own intentions, and I think this is the most rewarding thing for a manufacturer that manufactures products.

With this standard model iron, the company quickly gained brand and product recognition, and President Miki, riding the momentum, next took on the challenge of developing a new high value-added hair dryer.” In the spring of 2020, Onedam launched an exceptionally priced hair dryer that incorporated new technologies and functions while maintaining the basic concept of “ease of use. ”

BLOW+ Speed ABD-701

Equipped with a new standard motor called BLDC motor, it is an impeccable product for professional use in terms of specifications and features, including high air speed of 30 m/sec, static electricity elimination, plasma ion generation, care for hair, improved drying efficiency, and increased motor life. According to President Miki, he fell in love at first sight when he found the prototype of this hair dryer, and it was his passion and commitment that brought it to market. In addition to use in salon work, high-value-added and high-priced products are now becoming the mainstream in salons. Against this backdrop, two years have passed since the product was launched, and our company continues to sell the product consistently. ABD-701 also caught the eye of a very famous hair stylist and is highly evaluated.

President Miki says that small and medium-sized companies cannot afford to spend large amounts of money on advertising, and he will continue to spread awareness of his products by making full use of social networking and other means.

The conversation was about a simple commitment to manufacturing products with the greatest emphasis on “ease of use,” but it is this simplicity that makes it seem so profound. We look forward to further development of new products in the future.

President Miki, thank you very much for your time.
