#9 <商品紹介> WUAO シリコン除去シャンプー



“ノンシリコンシャンプー”という言葉をよく耳にしますが、この言葉の背景には今からさかのぼること十数年前、”カラー施術をしてもきれいに発色しない・・・” ”パーマがかからない、かかりにくい・・・” こんな声が現場から沢山出てきて、どうやらその原因が日常的に使用するホームケアのシャンプーやトリートメント(インバス・アウトバス)に配合されているシリコンが蓄積されて、カラー剤の発色やパーマのかかり具合を阻害しているのでは? ということで、各社が “ノンシリコン” を謳った商品を発売しはじめました。



どんな原料も長所と短所があると思うのです。 シリコンを配合することによる効果はやはり群を抜いて優れている一方で継続使用すると髪に蓄積しそれがカラーやパーマ施術に影響を与えるという短所もあると思います。つまり、その商品との付き合い方を知れば短所のところはカバーできると私は考えています。

ウアオ シリコン除去シャンプー

WUAO シリコン除去シャンプー



ご興味のある方は 当社または担当営業までお問合せ下さいね。

☆ウアオ シリコン除去シャンプー 1000ml 業務用


#9 《Introduction of Products》 WUAO Silicon Removal Shampoo

• November 26, 2021

The shortage of various raw materials and price hikes are continuing due to the effects of factory production cutbacks caused by the power supply shortage in China. We often hear conversations within the company such as, “The manufacturer’s product, ●●, has been delayed due to a delay in the supply of raw materials.” When we ask the reason for the delay, we are told that silicon is not coming in.

This shortage of silicon seems to be one of the reasons for the shortage of semiconductors that we often hear about in the news these days. If this silicon shortage continues over the long term, I am worried about that it might affect the supply of various products related to hairdressing.

By the way, what is your impression of silicon?
The phrase “non-silicone shampoo” is often heard, but the background of this phrase dates back more than ten years ago, when many people complained that their hair color did not come out beautifully even after color treatment, or that perms did not work or were difficult to apply. The reason for this was that silicone in home care shampoos and treatments (in-bath and out-bath) which were used on a daily builds up on hair, and this was causing the color and perms not to work. This is why many companies have begun to market products that claim to be “silicone-free”.

When I think back to the trend at that time, I wonder if products containing silicone will gradually be eliminated and “non-silicone” products will become the standard.

But what about the products available on the market today?
We can see many products containing silicone on the market!

We think that silicone should not be excluded when considering “feel, luster, and texture”.
Every material has its advantages and disadvantages. While the effects of silicones are outstanding, there is also the disadvantage that they accumulate in the hair when used continuously and affect coloring and perm treatments. In other words, I believe that the disadvantages can be covered if you know how to deal with the product.

A product we launched at the height of the “non-silicone” boom.
Wuao Silicon Removal Shampoo

Click here for products. ↓
WUAO シリコン除去シャンプー

This is a professional shampoo for technicians. When used in the pre-shampoo process before perms and coloring, it removes silicone, wax, styling products, and dirt that have accumulated on the hair. The pre-shampoo is not as harsh as other shampoos, but this shampoo smoothly removes dirt and grime from the hair without any harshness. It also contains vegetable extracts and is designed to be gentle on the hands and skin.

Use of this shampoo will maximize the effect of subsequent perms and colors.

If you are interested, please contact us or our sales representative.

Wuao Silicon Removal Shampoo 1000ml for professional use
