#31 <商品紹介> WUAO Sトリートメント マスク



#20 <商品紹介> WUAO のばしチャオ


#21 <商品紹介> WUAO Sトリートメント

今回は 4月21日に発売した 当社の WUAO Sトリートメント(サロントリートメント)の上質感を自宅でケアしながら楽しめるホームケア商品 ”WUAO Sトリートメント マスク” のご紹介です。




この商品は基本的には サロンで施術したSトリートメンントのホームケア用として開発しておりますが、Sトリートメントをサロンで施術していない方が、ホームケアのマスクとしてご使用いただくことも可能です。

質感調整 髪質改善というコンセプトをそのまま反映させているため、基本的な使用頻度は 週に1回〜2回程度で充分な効果を実感できますが、髪のダメージ具合やうねり具合により使用頻度をお好みで増やすことも減らすことも可能です。

ドライヤーやアイロンの熱に反応するγ-ドコサラクトン(エルカラクトン)や低濃度グルオキシル酸等の今話題の成分も配合しており髪質改善・質感調整 をご自宅でもお気軽にお楽しみいただけます。



☆WUAO Sトリートメントマスク
200g 定価 3,080円


#31 《Introduction of Products》 WUAO S Treatment Mask

• 2022.05.06

Words related to hair problems.
・Hair curl/Hair swell
・Thinning and hair loss
・Gray hair
・Thin and soft hair
・Dry hair
I wrote about these in my previous blog.

For past blogs, click here↓.

#20 <商品紹介> WUAO のばしチャオ

I also wrote about “hair quality improvement,” which is a hot topic these days.
Click here↓.

#21 <商品紹介> WUAO Sトリートメント

This time, we would like to introduce the “WUAO S Treatment Mask,” a home care product launched on April 21 that allows customers to enjoy the high quality of our WUAO S Treatment (salon treatment) while taking care of their hair at home.

In fact, we have been asked to release a home care version of this product since the launch of the S treatment in 2019.

There are actually many difficulties in developing home care products to accompany salon treatments.
The volume must be low, and the price must be low, yet the quality must be authentic.
Therefore, a smaller capacity would result in a very expensive product. After considering various conditions, we decided to launch a 200g size product with an emphasis on quality and a concentration of repair ingredients that is comparable to that of professional-use products.

This product is basically developed as a home care mask for S-treatment products that have been treated at salons, but it can also be used as a home care mask for those who have not had S-treatment products applied at salons.

Since this product reflects the concept of texture adjustment and hair quality improvement, the basic frequency of use is once or twice a week, but the frequency can be increased or decreased as desired depending on the condition of hair damage and waviness.

It also contains γ-docosalactone (erucalactone), which reacts to the heat from a hair dryer or iron, and low-concentration gluoxylate, which is a hot topic right now, so that you can easily improve the quality and texture of your hair at home.

If you’re interested, please contact our sales rep!

Click here for more information about the product.

☆WUAO Sトリートメントマスク
200g 定価 3,080円
