#21 <商品紹介> WUAO Sトリートメント

前回のブログではクセ毛や縮毛矯正の現在までの経緯や当社の商品 ”WUAOのばしチャオ” について書きました。

#20 <商品紹介> WUAO のばしチャオ







前述のとおり”髪質改善”というワードが上昇していることもあり ”髪質改善サロン” や ”トリートメント特化型” サロンも誕生しています。

”ストレート” ”縮毛矯正”⇒伸ばして美しくするという目的⇒根強く絶対的な信者がいる一方で ”髪質改善”⇒髪質を変えて(柔らかく・扱いやすく・まとめる・ハリコシ等)美しくする という価値観をもった方が増加しているということでもあると思います。

このような流れのに乗って、当社でも ”質感調整” ”髪質改善” を目的とした サロンメニュー用の WUAO Sトリートメントを販売しております。

”結果がすぐわかること” や ”コンセプトや使用方法・行程がシンプルであること” を考慮し

施術後の質感・・・ バッチリです!


1) アイロン仕上げで約50分
2) ドライヤー仕上げで約30分






☆ WUAO Sトリートメント
500g 業務用

この商品ご好評につき、近日中にシリーズ商品が発売されるかもしれない?? というのはここだけの話(笑)


#21 《Introduction of Products》 WUAO S Treatment

• 2022.02.25

In my last blog, I wrote about the current history of frizzy and straightened hair and our product “WUAO Nobashi Ciao.”

For previous blog, click here. ↓
#20 <商品紹介> WUAO のばしチャオ

And the Nobashi Chao is created for those who,
・Having trouble styling hair because of the change in texture.
・Looking for an easy hair care product other than hair straightener.
・To make hair more manageable.
・To reduce dryness.

Again, I’m talking about something related to frizz and swell.

I have often seen the three words “hair quality improvement” on salon menus.
I personally expect that this menu will continue to expand.

Salon treatment products range are from 3-bath and 5-bath treatments to simple 1-bath treatments, and salon owners have many choices depending on the quality of their customers’ hair.

As mentioned above, the term “hair quality improvement” is on the rise, and “hair quality improvement salons” and “treatment-specific” salons have also sprung up.

“Straightening” and “hair straightening”=> to straighten and beautify the hair => has strong and absolute believers.
On the other hand, there are more and more people having the sense of the value “hair quality improvement” => to change hair quality to make it softer, easier to manage, more manageable, more cohesive, more resilient, and more beautiful.

In line with this trend, we are also selling WUAO S treatments for salon menus to “adjust texture” and “improve hair quality.

We have taken into consideration the importance of “immediate results” and “simplicity of concept, usage, and process” as important items in our product design and have developed a product that is easy to use and easy to understand.

This product is a simple one-bath design, yet it can provide the best texture.
The texture after the treatment… perfect!

Treatment method is 2 ways. ↓

1) Ironing: need approx. 50 min. for treatment
2) Dryer: need approx. 30 min for treatment.

It contains the notable ingredients glyoxylic acid and erucalactone (γ-docosalactone).

Simple to use, yet superbly textured!

Please take a look at this new option of salon menu!
If you’re interested, please feel free to contact our sales rep!

Click here for product details.

☆ WUAO Sトリートメント
500g 業務用

This product has been so well received that a series of products may be released in the near future? Between you and me, that’s the story.
