#22 <商品紹介> WUAO ザ・ボリューム オールインワンシャンプー プレミアム




WUAO ザ・ボリューム オールインワンシャンプー プレミアム のご紹介です。

WUAOシリーズの中で知名度の高い マジカルスキャルプローション ザ・ボリューム のシリーズ品です。




シリーズ品の第一作となるマジカルスキャルプローション ザ・ボリューム は2011年8月に発売し爆発的なヒットとなりましたが、発売直後からシリーズ品としてボリュームの出るシャンプーを発売してほしいという要望を多数いただいておりました。


この商品、女性向けのイメージですが、男性の方にもお使いいただけます。 加齢と共に髪が細くなってハリコシのない男性の方もいらっしゃいます。 女性に比べると髪が短いので自分の髪にハリコシがなくなったという変化を感じる方は少ないようですが、リピーターの方もいらっしゃいますよ!

最近髪の状態が変わってきたかな?? と感じたら一度お試しくださいね。


☆ WUAO ザ・ボリューム オールインワンシャンプー
500ml ボトル 定価 3,300円
500ml 詰替  定価 2,640円


22《Introduction of Products》 WUAO The Volume All-in-One Shampoo Premium

• 2022.03.04

Words about hair problems that I’ve been writing a lot about on my blog lately.

・Curly/wavy hair
・Thinning and hair loss
・Gray hair
・Fine hair, soft hair
・Dry hair

These things are similar in that the appearance and beauty of hair gives the impression of age.

This time, we developed this shampoo for those who suffer from fine and soft hair.
WUAO The Volume All-in-One Shampoo Premium

This is a series product of Magical Scalp Lotion The Volume, a well-known product in the WUAO series.
It was launched in January 2014 in response to concerns that hair has lost its bounce and fluffiness as it ages.

It contains keratin, tannin, alum, and hematin, which give hair elasticity and make hair healthy. It also contains care ingredients that prevent inflammation of the scalp, the foundation of hair, and provide vitality and a healthy environment.
Moreover, it is an all-in-one formula that does not require any treatment, making it an optimal formulation that does not cause squeaks.

It’s a great way to take care of your needs with as little time and effort as possible.

After use, hair is naturally smooth and fluffy.

The first product in the series, Magical Scalp Lotion The Volume, was launched in August 2011 and became an explosive hit, and we heard many requests to a volume shampoo to be launched as a series of it.

If only my hair could be fluffed up just by shampooing on a daily basis.
From the perspective of those who suffer from this problem, that is certainly true.

This product has an image of being for women, but it can also be used by men. As they age, some men’s hair becomes thinner and less resilient. Since their hair is shorter than women’s hair, few men feel that their hair has lost its elasticity, but there are some repeat customers!

Has the condition of your hair changed recently? If you feel that your hair has changed recently, please give it a try.

Click here for product details.

☆ WUAO ザ・ボリューム オールインワンシャンプー
500ml ボトル 定価 3,300円
500ml 詰替  定価 2,640円
