#23  3.11 忘れないこの日




3月7日(月)に埼玉の大宮から営業をスタートし栃木の足利 宇都宮 小山 佐野を経て茨城へ移動したのが3月9日(水)のことでした。お昼頃に水戸のお得意先で世間話をしていたところ小さな地震が発生、大きくはないものの体感できる程の揺れであったことを記憶しています。 この時まさか2日後に大きな地震が来ることなど予想もつかず・・・



朝からいわき市内、郡山市内、福島市内を経て営業を終え、福島駅前のホテルにチェックインしたのは20時を過ぎていたと思います。 この日も寒かったためホテル近くの居酒屋で熱燗を飲んだのを覚えています。

アポの時間は13:00 話がスムーズに進み、お取引ができそうな手ごたえを感じながら初商談を終えたのが14:00過ぎ。
この週の予定をすべて終え、埼玉の契約駐車場へ向かう途中の東北道 鹿沼インターへ入る直前の道路で前方の車が急ブレーキを踏んで停車、私も急停車しました。視界前方に連なる電信柱の揺れに伴い電線が大きく波打っている光景が目に入りました。車が大きく揺れて何事かと車内から外に出ても大きな揺れは止まらず、ラジオのパーソナリティが力いっぱい大きな声で地震を伝えていたことを今でも鮮明に覚えています。

揺れの収まりを確認して東北道へ入り南下するも途中の佐野藤岡から先が通行止めで強制的に出口へ、国道50号線は西行き、東行き共に大渋滞でしたが、東行きへ入り、道の駅から妻へ電話をすると奇跡的につながり、そこで初めて東北で津波が発生したことを知りました。 この時16:30頃だったと記憶していますが、津波が発生したことや大渋滞の国道の状況を見たこの時点で大阪へ帰ることができないと判断しその旨を妻に伝えました。



近くに居て体験した未曽有の出来事、普段 ”あたりまえ” に使っているインフラがマヒをして不便を感じると ”ありがたい” ということを実感します。








地震調査研究推進本部事務局 南海トラフで発生する地震


#23 3.11 We Will Not Forget the day

• March 11, 2022

March 11, 2011

This day 11 years ago is one that I will never forget for the rest of my life.
I still vividly remember that day.
At the time, I was the leader of the wholesale sales department and also responsible for sales in the Kanto and Tohoku areas, and I was making 40 round trips a year between Osaka and Tokyo by bullet train.

I had planned to visit Fukushima, Miyagi, Yamagata, Iwate, and Aomori during the week of March 11, 2011, the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake, but there was still a lot of snow in March, and a client in Aomori advised us to postpone our visit to April for city people who are not used to snowy roads because of the heavy snowfall. We changed our schedule abruptly.

We started our business in Omiya, Saitama on Monday, March 7, and moved to Ibaraki via Ashikaga, Utsunomiya, Oyama, and Sano in Tochigi on Wednesday, March 9. I remember that around noon, while we were chatting with a client in Mito, a small earthquake occurred, not a big one, but a tremor that we could feel. At that time, I had no idea that a big earthquake would hit two days later.

After completing all my plans for the day, I headed north on the Joban Expressway at night and moved to Iwaki, Fukushima for an appointment the next day.

Then I woke up in the middle of the night that day, feeling a tremor that I could feel. I think it was around 3:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 10. At that time, I had no idea that a big earthquake would hit the next day.

I think it was after 8:00 p.m. when I checked into a hotel in front of Fukushima Station after finishing my business in the morning through Iwaki City, Koriyama City, and Fukushima City. It was cold that day, so I remember drinking hot sake at an izakaya (Japanese-style bar) near the hotel.

On Friday, March 11, after completing my first morning business in Fukushima City, I headed to Utsunomiya in Tochigi for my first business meeting with a new client.
The appointment was scheduled for 1:00 p.m. The conversation went smoothly, and we finished our first business meeting at 2:00 p.m., feeling that we were on the verge of doing business with them.
After completing all of my appointments for the week, I was on my way to the contracted parking lot in Saitama when a car in front of me suddenly braked and stopped on the road just before entering the Kanuma Interchange on the Tohoku Expressway. I saw a series of telegraph poles swaying in front of my view, and electric wires were waving in the air. The car shook so much that I got out of the car to see what was going on, but the shaking did not stop. I still vividly remember the radio personality telling us about the earthquake in a loud and powerful voice.

After confirming that the tremors had subsided, I entered the Tohoku Expressway and headed south, but the road was closed from Sano Fujioka on the way, and I was forced to take the exit. I remember it was around 4:30 p.m. when I called my wife. After seeing the tsunami and the heavy traffic on the national highway, I decided that I could not return to Osaka and told her so.

I filled up the tank and took the only route to the contracted parking lot in Saitama, which was an open road, so I drove from Tatebayashi in Gunma to Omiya via Okegawa and Ageo in Saitama and entered the Route 17 bypass around 10:00 pm. On the way there, I stopped at a convenience store to satisfy my hunger, but all of them were out of food to fill our stomachs, so I bought a few bags of snacks that were left on the shelves and ate them in the traffic. I think it was after midnight on March 12 when I arrived at a contracted parking lot in Asaka City through the heavily congested Route 17 bypass. All the hotels nearby were fully booked, so I decided to stay in the car and slept until morning in a shallow sleep, feeling frequent aftershocks. On the way to Tokyo Station on the first Tobu Tojo Line train the next morning, aftershocks occurred several times, and each time an earthquake alert went off simultaneously from passengers’ cell phones, causing the train to come to an emergency stop several times.

The following week, we were able to confirm the safety of all our customers near the affected area and were relieved to learn that none of our customers had suffered any human casualties.

When you are in the vicinity of an unprecedented event, or when the infrastructure you normally use “as usual” is paralyzed and you feel inconvenienced, you realize how “thankful” you are.

I shudder to think what would have happened, if I had gone on a business trip as scheduled this past week with no advice from my client.

My memory is so vivid that there is no end to what I can write down, so I will stop here.

Unprecedented events that I myself have experienced up to now, including this disaster.

・The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
・Lehman Shock
・Great East Japan Earthquake
・New coronavirus

These may be events that will be written about in Japanese history textbooks.
I was not directly affected, but as a witness of history who experienced unprecedented events,
I believe that what we have learned from these events, however small, must be applied to what we do in the future, and that we must pass them on to future generations.

Learning from this earthquake, our family determined a place to meet if a disaster strikes and the family is separated.
We have three emergency bags in the garage.
These are small measures we can take by ourselves that we learned from the disaster.

The Nankai Trough and an earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area are expected to occur with a high probability within the next 30 years.
Be prepared in case of an emergency.
Be prepared for emergencies and check your preparedness regularly.

地震調査研究推進本部事務局 南海トラフで発生する地震
