#20 <商品紹介> WUAO のばしチャオ



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WUAO のばしチャオ です。





☆ウアオ のばしチャオ ローション 200mL 定価 2,200円


#20 《Introduction of Products》 WUAO Nobashi Chao

• 2022.02.18

Words we often see regarding hair problems.

・Curly/wavy hair
・Thinning and hair loss
・Gray hair
・Fine hair, soft hair
・Dry hair

The product we are introducing here was developed to solve the problem of hair frizz and waviness.
WUAO Nobashi Chao Lotion.

Although we do not have exact figures, sales materials generally issued by hair care-related manufacturers, often state that more than half of the Japanese population has kinky hair.

Although the strength of the frizz and swell varies from person to person, many people have problems with their hair, such as not being able to style their hair as desired, or having the frizz come back after styling due to rain or humidity or being concerned about dryness.

When we conduct research and sample monitoring of hair-related products during the product development stage, we often hear women say that their hair quality changes after the age of 40 and they are troubled by frizz and waviness.

The best way to eliminate kinks and swells in one stroke is to “straighten hair. ”
The menu of hair straightening using reducing agents started with the early straightening perms using panels.
The hair straightening using a straightening iron, which was born around 2000, became a big hit.

When this hair straightening method was first introduced, it was committed to results, and there is no doubt that it became a menu item that solved the problems of people suffering from frizzy hair.
However, although the hair straightening method produced good results, after a few months, the damage to the hair became noticeable and the hair became dry and puffy, and there were various other problems. On the other hand, hair stylists improved their techniques to avoid damage through various innovations such as selection of chemicals, leaving time, iron temperature, pre-treatment, and post-treatment, depending on hair quality. I believe that the quality of the “hair straightening” menu has gradually progressed.

・Balancing Results and Damage Care
The more results are pursued, the more stress is placed on the hair, and when a new technology is first introduced, “results” come first. As new techniques become more popular, problems emerge, and hairdressers and manufacturers continue to improve them. I believe that the quality of any menu evolves through this repetition.

・Changes in Straight Hair with the Changing Times
When hair straightening first came into being, the mainstream straightening style was a completely linear straight line.
Over time, straightening with a gentle, natural curve became the mainstream.
At the same time, cosmetics-based formulations became the mainstream, instead of quasi-drug formulations.
In the past few years, a new concept of “hair quality improvement” that does not use reducing agents has been developed and is spreading nationwide.

I believe that the market has matured to a state where “results” and “damage care” are balanced.

I’ve written at length about hair straightening.

On the other hand, there are those who wish to have their frizz and swell eliminated by daily care without having to straighten their hair, but the salon treatment is time consuming and expensive.

We developed this product for those who have such requests.

WUAO Nobashi Chao.

It reduces kinks, swell, and dryness, making hair manageable and soft.

・I have trouble styling my hair because of the change in texture.
・I am looking for an easy hair care product other than hair straightener.
・I want to make my hair more manageable.
・I want to reduce dryness of my hair.
We recommend this product to those who have these problems.

↓Detailed information on the mechanism of kinky hair and product details are provided.

I hope you’ll give it a try, if you’re interested!

☆ウアオ のばしチャオ ローション 200mL 定価 2,200円
