#19 <商品紹介> WUAO ハイプレックス シャンプー&トリートメント

理美容業界における ”酸” というワードについて以前にブログに書いた続編


#12 <商品紹介> WUAO ハイプレックス 1st & 2nd

WUAO ハイプレックスのシリーズの追加ラインとして
今回は WUAO ハイプレックス シャンプー & トリートメントのご紹介です。

カラーやパーマの施術の際にダメージケアの目的で施す1st 2ndに加え、自宅でもダメージケアをしたいというご要望にお応えして、昨年9月に発売しました。

実は2018年3月の1st 2ndの発売直後から多くのディーラーさんやサロンさんよりご要望をいただいておりました。
シャンプー トリートメントのジャンルは激戦区あり、ダメージケアはその中でも更に激戦区なので、唯々 ”良い” というだけでは評価はいただけないということも過去の経験から学んでおり、社内でも開発賛成と開発反対の意見が大きく分かれていました。

シャンプ―、トリートメントの重要な要素⇒香り・泡立ち・使用感・指通り感・質感・容量と価格 等々


品質の細かいことは一切書かず開発秘話と思いだけを書きましたが、論より証拠 使うと実感いただけます!




☆ WUAO ハイプレックス シャンプー   300ml ¥2,860-

☆ WUAO ハイプレックス トリートメント   300ml ¥2,860-


19 《Introduction of Products》 WUAO Highplex Shampoo & Treatment

• 2022.02.11

Sequel to my previous blog entry on the word “acid” in the hairdressing industry

See previous blog here↓.

#12 <商品紹介> WUAO ハイプレックス 1st & 2nd

As an additional line to the WUAO Highplex series
We are pleased to introduce WUAO Highplex Shampoo & Treatment.

In addition to the 1st and 2nd products, which are applied for damage care during color and perm treatments, we launched this product in September last year in response to requests for damage care at home.

In fact, we have received requests from many dealers and salons immediately after the release of the 1st and 2nd products in March 2018.
The shampoo treatment genre is a fierce battleground, and damage care is even more so, so we had learned from past experiences that simply being “good” is not enough to get a good reputation. Even within the company, there was a strong division between those in favor of development and those opposed to it.
After much discussion, we decided to develop the product, but we started development on the condition that, as long as we were going to launch a product in a highly competitive market, we had to have firm confidence in the quality of the product.

Important elements of shampoos and treatments ⇒ fragrance, lather, feel, texture, volume and price, etc.
Although we had assumed that these conditions would be met, there were many conditions that had to be fulfilled, and it was very difficult to bring these conditions to the satisfaction level of the monitored salons. We have made so many improvements that we cannot count the number of times, and we have asked our partner manufacturers to do the impossible.

And as we heard from dealers and salons after the launch of the product, our confidence became more and more confident.

I have not written any details about the quality of the product, but only the secret story of its development and my thoughts, but the proof is in the pudding!

I recommend it with confidence!

Please try it once.

Click here for the product.

☆ WUAO ハイプレックス シャンプー   300ml ¥2,860-

☆ WUAO ハイプレックス トリートメント   300ml ¥2,860-
