#12 <商品紹介> WUAO ハイプレックス 1st & 2nd


”グルオキシル酸”  ”アミノ酸”  ”カルボン酸”  ”マレイン酸” ”酸熱トリートメント” ”酸性ストレート” 等々



私が海外営業を担当していた2015年当時 東南アジアのお得意先各社は既に欧米系メーカーの▲▲PLEXや××PLEXといったラインナップを販売していました。一方その当時の日本では発売しているメーカーもなく輸入している業者もいませんでした。近いうちに日本にもこの流れは来るかな?? と予感しつつ2017年頃から各社が発売するという情報がチラホラ・・・



WUAOハイプレックス 1st. ボンドフォース

WUAOハイプレックス 2nd. ボンドキーパー


ブリーチやファッションカラー グレイカラー 縮毛矯正 パーマと併用が可能です。







このシリーズ 他にもホームケア用のアウトバストリートメント及びシャンプートリートメントも発売していますので


☆WUAO ハイプレックス ボンドフォース 1st.  業務用
☆WUAO ハイプレックス ボンドキーパー 2nd. 業務用


#12 《Introduction of Products》 WUAO Highplex 1st & 2nd

• December 17, 2021

The word “acid” in the hairdressing industry

Gluoxylate, amino acids, carboxylic acids, maleic acids, etc. acid heat treatments, acid straightening, etc.

Various salon treatment products for professional use have been launched by various companies to repair hair damage under the names such as 〇〇PLEX, △△PLEX, ◇◇PLEX.

These naming systems have been adopted not only in Japan but also by other hairdressing companies around the world. Starting around 2017-2018, various Japanese hairdressing companies launched their products, but I think the timing was quite late in the global market.

When I was in charge of overseas sales in 2015, our clients in Southeast Asia were already selling lineups of ▲▲PLEX and ××PLEX from European and American manufacturers. On the other hand, at that time in Japan, there were no manufacturers selling these products and no importers. Will this trend come to Japan in the near future? I had a hunch that this trend would come to Japan in the near future, and I have heard that companies are planning to launch their products around 2017.

Our company also launched a product in March of 2018 after hearing such rumors.

Products are here. ↓

WUAOハイプレックス 1st. ボンドフォース

WUAOハイプレックス 2nd. ボンドキーパー

This treatment consists of two types of agents.

Can be used with bleach, fashion color, gray color, hair straightening, and permanent wave.

Common ingredients include are

“Carboxylic acid” ⇒ “Cystic acid” is recombined and restored to its cross-linked state to restore hair’s original strength!
“Maleic acid copolymer” ⇒ Repair cuticle damage!
“Lactone compound” ⇒ Inhibits hair from becoming dry and stiff!
My personal feeling is that it is easier to feel the effects of bleach and high tone in combination with color.

We have also launched other out-bath treatments and shampoo treatments for home care.
I will post them in another blog.

If you are interested, please contact our sales representative or our company.

WUAO Highplex Bond Force 1st. for professional use
WUAO Highplex Bond Keeper 2nd. for professional use
