のべ2万人以上の小顔矯正を施術したプロフェッショナルが開発したすごい商品 !!


シミ・くすみ・シワ・毛穴・たるみ・ほうれい線・くま・乾燥肌・むくみ・そばかす・ニキビ・白髪・くせ毛・うねり毛・ねこっ毛 等々・・・







・・・ 小顔 ・・・


小顔は様々な技法があり、リンパマッサージでむくみを解消して顔全体をすっきりさせたり、美容クリニックで施術されるHIFUと呼ばれる技術であったり、美容室においては輪郭周りの髪を調整して顔を小さく見せる ”小顔カット” が人気のメニューです。
小顔に関する技術や商品は顔を ”小さく見せる” 技法 から 顔を”小さくする技法” まで様々です。

引き締め・ハリ・低刺激・潤い で パッと1分 シュッな1日 を実現する素晴らしい逸品を!




An amazing product developed by a professional who has treated over 20,000 people in total for small face correction!

• March 03, 2023

Our job is to support women in their pursuit of beauty.
Through our many years of experience, we know that there are certain words to which women respond.

For example…
Blemishes, dullness, wrinkles, pores, sagging, smile lines, dark circles, dry skin, swelling, freckles, acne, white hair, kinky hair, wavy hair, limp hair, and so on…

I introduced products that solve such problems in my blog in the past.

For hair elasticity and volume

The most recognizable of our original brands is the “Wuao” series. The most recognizable of the series is Magical Scalp Lotion…

To prevent frizzy hair

For flabby eyelids

For spots, freckles, and dullness

And there are areas we have not yet ventured into.

…small face…

More than 15 years ago, we launched a product that was a big hit, but it faded out after the manufacturer withdrew from the industry, and we have not been involved in the small face genre for some time.

There are various techniques to make a small face, such as lymphatic massage to eliminate swelling and make the entire face look refreshed, a technique called HIFU performed at beauty clinics. “Small face cut” at beauty salons to adjust hair around the facial contours to make the face look smaller is one of popular menus.
There are various techniques and products related to the small face, ranging from techniques that “make the face look smaller” to techniques that “make the face smaller”.

And now we have had the opportunity to come across a wonderful product. A wonderful product developed by a technician specializing in small face correction based on her experience in treating a total of 20,000 people!
A wonderful product that tightens, firms, hypoallergenic, and moisturizes in just a minute and make a day happy with refreshed face!

Originally, they were providing small face treatment for entertainers and artists, but as the number of fans gradually increased and it became difficult to get appointments, they developed a product that can be used for self-care and at-home care, so that people can use it at home.

I will introduce specific details here again soon, so please stay tuned!
