台湾での営業にて  その3








翌日の早朝に新幹線で高雄までの移動を控えた出張3日目、私は台北に滞在しており、夜の10時前にホテル近くの銀行ATMで現金を引き出すために2枚目のカードを使って手続きを行いました。しかしカードが機械に取り込まれたたまま戻って来ず、現金も出てこない事態に!! エラーメッセージが出るわけでもなく、警告音が鳴るわけでもなく・・・




この場を離れた間にカードが戻ってきたらたらどうしよう? その間に誰かがそのカードを持ち去って悪用されたらどうしよう?






そして通訳さんはその後、アプリのリンクを送ってきてくれたのが ”55688” という台湾のタクシーの配車アプリでした。このアプリで配車されるタクシーは100%カードが利用可能とのことで非常にありがたい情報提供で、親切心に本当に感謝です。




この会話を聞いていた通訳さん 初対面で駅でお会いしてからタクシーに乗車しほとんどコミュニケーションがないにもかかわらず「現金が必要であれば使われますか?少しならありますよ」と突然信じられないご親切が。









帰国前日 ホテル近くの屋台で食べた台湾まぜそば 45元(210円)


In business in Taiwan Part 3

• 2024.10.04

Once again, a story about a business trip to Taiwan

This issue is an extra edition.

Stories of unexpected problems encountered

I always take two credit cards with me when I travel abroad.

They are issued by an online shopping company, and the first card is used for local shopping, meals, transportation, lodging, and all other items that can be paid for with the card, and cash is used as little as possible.

The second card then has a cash advance facility added to it to withdraw the minimum amount of cash required in case the card is not accepted locally.

I somehow came to this style because I would inevitably spend unfamiliar local currency in preference to bills and end up with more small change that I could not use up and could not exchange and take home with me.

On the third day of my business trip, I was staying in Taipei before taking the bullet train to Kaohsiung early the next morning. I used my second card to withdraw cash at a bank ATM near my hotel before 10:00 pm. However, the card was not returned to the machine and no cash came out! No error message, no warning beep…

I froze in front of the ATM because of the unexpected and sudden event.

The bank branch that houses this ATM is not open for business, and when I called the phone number on the ATM, I could not understand the language, and since I have a 7:30 a.m. bullet train reservation for the next day and my schedule in Kaohsiung is packed until the evening, I could not stop by this bank the next morning during its opening hours.

More importantly, can I go away from the ATM in a situation where the card has been taken into the ATM?

What if the card comes back while I’m gone? What if someone takes the card while I’m gone and misuses it?

Thinking about it all, I couldn’t walk away from the situation, and no matter what I thought, I couldn’t find an answer. Finally, I called the interpreter and told him what was going on.

The interpreter also had similar experience in Korea and gave me the following advice.

The first step was to immediately stop the card taken at the ATM, and then contact the card company’s customer support the next morning to transfer the cashing limit on the stopped card to the first card. If the identity could be verified, there was a possibility that a minimum cash advance limit could be assigned in an emergency.

I was reminded once again that it was important to ask people whether or not you can do it was another matter, and that experience was amazing.

I immediately stopped the card on the spot instantly and felt relieved.

The interpreter then sent me a link to an app called “55688”, which is a Taiwanese cab dispatch app. I really appreciate the kindness of him providing this information. 100% of the cabs dispatched by this app accept credit cards.

However, at that point, I was not sure if my credit card company would be flexible about transferring the cash advance limit, so I went online to find out how much I expected to need before returning home comparing with how much cash I had on hand, assuming the worst-case scenario. The amount of money I had on hand was about 1,100 yuan (5,000 yen), which I thought would be enough to get by without unexpected expenses. I am not sure if I will be able to survive without unforeseen expenses.

The next morning, I took the bullet train to Kaohsiung and met up safely with the interpreter arranged by the travel agency.

I called the support desk of the credit card company in a cab on the way from Zuoying station in Kaohsiung to my client’s office and told them that I had stopped my card last night and that I wanted to transfer part of the cash advance limit to the other card, but the card company’s policy is not to do that to an account issued multiple cards. If I wanted to transfer, I would have to stop the reissue process for the second card, which I stopped last night, and cancel the card itself. This is the worst-case scenario I had assumed, but I had calculated in advance the amount of money I would need, so I was not upset (lol).

The interpreter who was listening to this conversation, although we had barely communicated after meeting at the station for the first time and getting into the cab, he asked me, “If you need some cash, would you like to use it? I have some.” Suddenly, he was incredibly kind.

Of course, I did not take advantage of his kindness and politely declined his offer.

As we worked together and communicated on this day, I understood that this interpreter had a very high level of trust, respect and kindness toward Japanese people.

This interpreter donated a considerable amount of money as an individual to the disaster area at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. According to the interpreter, it is a common practice to donate to those in need, and his friend is no different.

We also see various disasters in the news, and although we may feel “sad,” we seldom take action.

The kindness of Taiwanese people I learned through unexpected trouble on this business trip to Taiwan.
I was able to learn about the Taiwanese people a little more deeply than before.

The next day at the airport in Taipei, I had about 400 yuan (1,800 yen) of local currency left in my wallet and managed to hold on to it.

Well, that’s about it for this issue.

As a side note,

the day before returning to Japan, I ate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles at a food stall near my hotel for NT$45 (¥210).
Even with the weak yen, prices in Taiwan are still cheap.
