”ご縁” があってお取引が始まり、お互いに必要とする関係性が、過去何十年も前から ”継続” してきたということを考えるとこれは凄いことなんだと改めて感じます。
まさに ”感謝” です。
取引関係には ”長さ” という概念に加え ”太さ” ”細さ” という概念も存在します。
営業現場では取引関係を パイプが ”細い”(取引額が少ない意味) ”太い”(取引額が多い意味)という表現をすることがあります。
日々の商売をしている営業現場では ”細い” 取引関係のお得先を ”太く” することにエネルギーを費やします。
この ”太い” ”細い” の繰り返しを積み重ねてできるのが ”継続” です。
”継続”とは真逆に ”一回限り” の ”ご縁” もあります。
共に長く時を過ごせば双方の考えや方針、需給バランスによって関係が ”太く” なる時もあれば ”細く” なる時もある、そんな関係の積み重ねが ”継続” されて現在に至る・・・
そう考えると過去から現在まで ”継続” してきた ”ご縁” は奇跡の連続とも思う訳であります。
その奇跡の連続の過程において刻まれてきたのが ”太さ” ”細さ” という結果であると・・・
私がまだ二十代の頃、配属された部門では既に全国にお得意先があったので、担当エリアを持てば必然的にそのエリアのお得意先が紐づいてくるという状態で、それが ”当たり前” であり、それ以上に何も考えずに仕事をしていました。
しかしそれは先輩たちが市場がゼロの状態から開拓を行い、”ご縁” を ”継続” してきた奇跡の連続の延長線上かつ現在進行中であるということを考えるとそれは ”あたりまえ” ではなく ”有り難き” ことであり、お得意先と先輩に ”感謝” という言葉に他なりません。
#18 Connection
• 2022.02.04
This week was my second business trip this year.
I went to Tokyo to attend a farewell party for a long-time client.
Recently, due to the Corona disaster, many funeral services and farewell ceremonies are held with the next of kin, and the farewell party is held later.
Before making a courtesy visit to a client or participating in a wedding or funeral, I try to confirm as much as possible about the client’s history and the nature and background of transactions with our company. This is because I believe that it is respectful to participate in such events knowing the past history between our company and the client.
I am reminded of how great this is, considering that the business relationship started because of a “karma” and that the mutually necessary relationship has “continued” over the past several decades.
It is truly a thing to be thankful for.
In addition to the concept of “length,” trading relationships also include the concepts of “thickness” and “fineness”.
In the sales field, business relationships are sometimes described as having “thin” (meaning low transaction value) or “thick” (meaning high transaction value) pipes.
In the sales field, where daily business is conducted, energy is spent on making “thin” business relationships “thicker”.
What can be achieved by building on this repetition of “thick” and “thin” is “continuity”.
There are also “one-time” relationships, which are the exact opposite of “continuity”.
As we spend a lot of time together, the relationship sometimes becomes “thick” and sometimes “thin” depending on both parties’ ideas, policies, and the balance of supply and demand. The relationship has been “continued” to the present day.
When you think about it, the “relationships” that have “continued” from the past to the present are a series of miracles.
In the process of this series of miracles, the result is the “thickness” and “fineness” of the relationships.
When I was still in my 20s, the department to which I was assigned already had clients throughout the country, so if I had an area to which I was assigned, the clients in that area would inevitably be tied to me. I did my job without thinking about it.
However, when we consider that this is an extension of a series of miracles that our predecessors have achieved by developing the market from scratch and continuing to build “relationships” with customers, and that this is currently underway, it is not a matter of being “natural” but of being “thankful. We are grateful to our clients and seniors for their support.
Let’s be thankful for everything we have in our environment and improve ourselves more and more to master our trade!
I thought such things on the Shinkansen bullet train.