白髪を ”染める” ”染めない” ではなく ”ぼかす という選択肢  ウアオ ボー・メン  

ここ最近の女性の白髪関連のカラーメニューで広がりを見せているのが ”脱白髪染め” や “白髪ぼかしハイライト” というメニューです

一方でメンズの白髪関連のメニューは ”暗い早染め” に加え ”白髪ぼかし” というメニューくらいでしょうか?
このメンズの ”白髪ぼかし” 白髪を染めていきなり髪が黒くなるのは抵抗がある・・・
そんな理由で ”白髪ぼかし”が普及していったと思います。


ウアオ ボーメン
300g 業務用


ウアオ ボーメンは塗布して10分放置で流すだけなので シャンプー台でトリートメント感覚で簡単に施術が可能!


ご興味のあるサロン様は最寄りの取り扱いディーラーをお探しくださいね ↓↓


The choice of “blurring” rather than “dyeing” or “not dyeing” grey hair WUAO Bo Men

• January 27, 2023

Recently, “no dyeing gray hair” and “gray-blurring highlights” have become popular among women’s hair coloring menus.
These are techniques to lighten black hair and blend it with gray hair, rather than dyeing the gray hair. In addition, it is a high value-added menu that is fashionable because it brightens the hair and requires more skill and time than regular gray hair dyeing, so the price can be increased.

On the other hand, the only men’s gray hair related menu is “gray hair blurring” in addition to “dark quick dyeing”?
Men’s “Gray hair blurring” is a hair coloring service for men who are not comfortable with dyeing their gray hair and having it suddenly turn black.
I think this is why “graying hair blurring” became popular.

The ratio of men’s hair coloring is extremely small compared to women’s, but we are selling a menu for men’s hair coloring.

Wuao Bomen
300g, for professional use

While most gray hair blurring is a two-component alkali color, Wuao Bomen is simply applied and left for 10 minutes before rinsing, so it can be easily applied at the shampoo basin as if it were a treatment!
The cosmetic formula uses basic and HC dyes, so there is no need to worry about irritation to the scalp!
It is a simple and smart treatment.

This is a product that I can easily suggest to my generation of old men who are beginning to notice their gray hairs but are not sure what to do about it.

If you are interested in this product, please find a dealer near you. ↓↓
