ヘアスプレーのフレーキングやシリコン・ワックスの除去に最適 スーパーとったゲル シリコン除去シャンプー





一つ目は昨年12月にリニュアルしたヌーボマジコ スーパーとったゲル




☆ ヌーボマジコ スーパーとったゲル
180g 1,980円(税込)

二つ目は ウアオのシリコン除去シャンプー

カラーがきれいに発色! パーマがしっかりとかかる! トリートメントがしっかり中まで浸透!

☆ ウアオ スーパーパワー シリコン除去シャンプー
1000mL 業務用




Ideal for removing flaking of hair spray, silicone and wax Super Totta Gel / Silicon Removal Shampoo

• June 30, 2023

One of the recent trends in salon menus, system treatment is gradually shifting from immediate result to hair quality improvement. In the hair quality improvement menu, we often see the keyword “bare hair”.

The definition of “bare hair” seems to vary from salon to salon, and it is generally defined as hair that is clean and free of dirt. However, some people may find that their hair becomes frizzy or dry when there is nothing on it, and the appearance of their hair may not be as beautiful as it should be.

In order to achieve “bare hair”, it is necessary to remove unnecessary dirt, resins from sprays, polymers, silicones, waxes, oils, etc., from the hair, there is a salon menu of hair cleansing.

We have two products that are ideal for supporting “bare hair”.

The first is Nuovo Magico Super Totta Gel, which was renewed last December.

There is a steady demand from users who use hairspray on a daily basis.

And please see the blog I wrote last December about the renewal of this Totta Gel.

Cleans and removes spray resin adhering to hair.

☆ NUOVO MAGICO Super Totta Gel
180g 1,980 yen (tax included)

Second, Wuao Silicone Removal Shampoo.

Use as a pre-shampoo to remove accumulated dirt and silicones from your hair.
Colors will come out beautifully! Perms will be applied firmly! Treatment penetrates to the inside of the hair!

Wuao Super Power Silicone Removal Shampoo
1000mL for business use

Both products have been long sellers for more than 10 years and we are confident in their quality.

If you are interested, please contact our sales staff.
