アジアの理美容事情 その4 ヘアケア編

当社の取り扱い商品の中で一番輸出量の多いカテゴリは シャンプー/トリートメント/アウトバストリートメントを中心とするヘアケアです。


現地での売価は決して安くない日本製の商品ですが人気の理由は”使用感が良い” ”香りが良い” ”使用後の質感が良い” この3つのバランスが取れていることだと考えています。


更にこの10年程はどのメーカーさんも品質に加えて香りの研究を重視して開発を進めてこられたように思います。業界のヒット商品に共通して言えることは必ずと言っていい位に香りの評価が高いです。激戦の国内理美容業界で洗練された品質は良い意味でのガラパゴス→ ”孤立” ではなく ”唯一” という価値に育ち海外でも充分に通用するレベルになっていると思います。


過去に海外の展示会は幾度となく視察し沢山の商品サンプルを使用してきました。パッケージデザインやコンセプトなど日本のメーカーさんなら絶対に思いつかないような面白い商品も沢山あります。その期待を胸に商品を使用すると・・・? 普通・・・ 可もなく不可もなく、別段悪くもないですが強いて特徴とか ”良い” と感じれる点もない、そんな普通の商品が圧倒的に多いように思います。稀にハズレを引くと髪がキッシキシになるシャンプーやシリコンが相当量配合されているのか洗い流しても髪がコテコテでずっしりおもいヘアマスクとか(笑)


海外に販路がないメーカーさんで輸出をしたいけどノウハウがないメーカーさんからの依頼を受けて商品を輸出することもあります。このblogを読んで海外へ輸出をしてみたいけどノウハウがないというメーカーさんはお気軽に当社へご相談くださいね。美容と健康に関するもの化粧品(頭髪・肌用)・道具類・小物・雑貨類 なんでもご相談ください。


Hairdressing and Beauty in Asia, Part 4: Hair Care

• July 15, 2022

The category with the highest export volume among the products we handle is hair care, mainly shampoos/treatments/out bath treatments.

In addition to being easy for foreign distributors to sell because of the differences from other products and the ease of understanding the results, we believe that this naturally drives export volume because we have not only salon-using size products but also store-sale size products.

The reason for the popularity of these Japanese-made products, which are not inexpensive locally, is that they have a good balance between “good feeling,” “good fragrance,” and “good texture after use. ”

The hair care category of products from the brands of the manufacturers to whom we mainly export are a very welcome category for our sales staff, who are almost guaranteed to receive orders from distributors in various countries when new products are launched.

The hair care category in the hairdressing industry is a fierce battleground, and manufacturers are constantly making improvements and engaging in friendly competition. Each manufacturer is developing new products by integrating their technologies to keep up with trends.
Furthermore, in the past 10 years, it seems that all manufacturers have been focusing on research and development of fragrance in addition to quality. One thing that can be said to be common to all hit products in the industry is that they are always highly rated for their fragrance. In the fierce competition in the domestic hairdressing industry, refined quality is “Galapagos” not meaning of “being alone”, but rather “unique” in the sense that it has grown to a level where it can be accepted overseas.

And indeed, products that combine these qualities are being accepted by Asian hair stylists and consumers.

I estimate that more than 90% of the products distributed locally are made in China, Europe, the U.S., or Korea, and that Japanese-made products account for a small portion of the remaining less than 10% share.
In the past, I have visited many overseas exhibitions and used many product samples. There are many interesting products with package designs and concepts that Japanese manufacturers would never come up with. I used the products with these expectations in mind. Ordinary…not bad, not bad at all, but nothing special or “good” about them. If you get a bad one, there are shampoos that make your hair squeaky clean and hair masks that leave your hair stiff and heavy even after rinsing it out, perhaps because it contains a significant amount of silicon.
Local hair stylists and consumers who used to use such foreign products on a daily basis, felt a great difference when they used Japanese products, and I believe that this has led to their continued use as repeat customers.

I’ll leave it at that for now.

We sometimes export products at the request of manufacturers who do not have sales channels overseas and who want to export but do not have the know-how. If you are a manufacturer who reads this blog and would like to export your products overseas but do not have the know-how, please feel free to contact us. Cosmetics (for hair and skin), tools, accessories, and miscellaneous goods related to beauty and health.
