
今やサロンメニューの中心となっている ヘアカラー。サロンではホームカラーとの差別化を図るためにサロンでしか施術できない高い技術力を武器に新しいメニューが次から次へと生まれています。


一昔前のファッションカラーはというと、明度も色相もある程度の種類しかなく中間の色や出したい色は自分で混ぜて作り出すということが一般的でした。 色相環に加えて、そのカラー剤が持つ特性の理解や経験値が要求される色の調合ですが、その調合を簡素化してサロンワークをスムーズにするために各メーカーさんが色数を増やすようになったと思います。

カラー剤の色数が増えたことによりサロンワークにおける色の調合が簡素化され、それに加えて毎年トレンドカラーが生まれ、カラーメニューのジャンルは年々活性化されていると思います。最近はファッションカラーに限らず白髪染めのジャンルでも変化が起きています。SNSでもよく目にする ”脱白髪染めハイライト” というメニュー。 白髪を染めるのではなく、黒髪部分を明るくして白髪をボカして馴染ませてファッション性を高める技術が話題となっています。今までの白髪染めからの逆転の発想ですね。このメニューはこれからますます広まっていくと思います。そしてこの、”脱白髪染めハイライト”に限らずカラーのメニューは更に進化を遂げていくと思っています。


そして酸化染毛料のジャンルに限らずカラートリートメントによる多彩なカラーバリエーションや、今や完全に定番となった ”ムラシャン” 等 カラーを取り巻く商品は業務用、店販用を問わず多種多様に発売されています。




Recent Hair Color Situation

• July 08, 2022

Hair color is now a mainstay of salon menus. In order to differentiate themselves from home coloring, salons are creating new menus one after another, armed with advanced technical skills that can only be applied in salons.

Especially, fashion colors are sold by various manufacturers in a wide variety of brightness and hue variations.

A decade ago, fashion colors were generally available in only a certain range of brightness and hue, and it was common for beauticians to mix colors by themselves to create intermediate colors or colors they wanted. In addition to the hue ring, understanding of the characteristics of the colorant and experience are required to mix colors, but I think that manufacturers have increased the number of colors to simplify the mixing process and make salon work easier.

The increase in the number of colors in colorants has simplified color mixing in salon work, and in addition, trendy colors are born every year, revitalizing the color menu year by year. Recently, not only fashion color but also the gray hair dyeing genre has been undergoing a change: “de-graying highlights,” a menu item often seen on SNS. This is a new technique that is becoming a hot topic not to dye gray hair but to dye black hair to be lighter which blur and blend with gray hair. It is a reversal from the conventional gray hair dyeing. I believe this menu will become increasingly popular in the future, and color menus will continue to evolve, not limited to this “de-graying highlighting”.

On the other hand, although there is a reasonable number of colors available from the manufacturers, in many cases, multiple colors are mixed together instead of using a single color onsite. I believe this is because the increase in the number of colors and variations has made it possible to express a wide variety of color tones, which has been spread through SNS and various media, resulting in a wider range of needs for the color tones demanded by the field.

And not limited to the oxidative hair dye genre, there are a wide variety of color products on the market for both professional and retail use, including a wide range of color variations using color treatments and “purple shampoo” which has become a complete standard.

Seeing such a recent color situation in the hairdressing industry, our company will also launch a revolutionary new product for technicians on July 22.

More details coming soon, so stay tuned!
