





〜夢ある100年企業〜 である為の我々のミッション 
「当社の商品に関わる全ての人と ”喜び” を共有すること」





長く続く商売というのはその商売に ”人の喜び” が伴うということだと思っています。



Toward 100 years in business

• 2022.06.17

Our company’s fiscal year ends at the end of March. After the fiscal year end of this March, we had a meeting with our tax accountant and visited our banks to report our financial results, and when we think we have finally finished processing all of the financial statements for the previous fiscal year, it is already June. And as we feel the rainy season coming on, the first quarter will be over in two weeks.

Before the closing of accounts, we are in a flurry of activity, and it is usually in early February that we start preparing the plan for the next fiscal year, gradually outputting and organizing the plans that we had imagined in our minds. We prepare measures and numerical plans for each department and finalize the plans. We create this plan in the two months of February-March and post-process the accounts in April-May. The four months of February-May are really like the light of an arrow.

Unlike in past years, this year’s plan was prepared not only for a single year, but also a three-year plan with a view to the 100th anniversary of the company’s founding, which will be celebrated in five years. Five years from now, in 2027, we will celebrate our 100th anniversary.
We have five more years until our 100th anniversary, and by then, we will have gone through the first three-year plan and will be pushing forward with the second three-year plan.

In 2027, the third year of the Second Three-Year Plan, we will celebrate exactly the 100th anniversary of our founding.

Our vision there
~A century-old company with a dream

〜Our mission to be a 100-year company with a dream
To share the “joy” with all people involved with our products.
General consumers, hairdressers, retailers, distributors, suppliers, manufacturers, material suppliers, printers, transportation companies, financial institutions, in-house employment companies, and other related cooperative companies

We share joy not only with sellers and buyers, but also with those who are directly or indirectly involved with our products.

We set our mission as such and announced it in front of our employees at the morning meeting at the beginning of the term in April of this year.

I have learned a lot about business in my 28 years of working for our company.
The essence of business, the way we think about our work, our attitude, and the meaning of fulfillment and goal achievement.

I believe that a business that lasts for a long time is one that brings “joy to people”.

We still have a lot of work to do, but we will devote ourselves every day to a wonderful 100th anniversary.
