#34 <商品紹介> ヌーボマジコ アフターケアエッセンスクリーム


ヌーボマジコアフターケアエッセンスクリーム のご紹介

アウトバストリートメント というワードがまだ理美容業界になかった1990年代前半、我々は当時サルファイトを配合したストレートのシステム商品を販売していました。その中で課題となったのが施術後のダメージケアなんです。施術直後はダメージが出ないのですが日が経つにれ髪がパサパサに・・・そんな問題を解消するためのホームケア商品として原型となる初代モデルは発売されました。


そして、そのアイロンメニューも時と共に役目を終えてシリーズが終売となったのですが、このホームケアだけは継続してほしいとの声が方々から入ったため、少しだけ処方を変えて単独の商品として発売したのがこのヌーボマジコ アフターケア エッセンスクリームなんです。

文章や言葉に表すのは難しいのですが、いい意味で独特の質感です。 べたつきはなく、適度な潤いとツヤを与えて髪をサラサラの状態にします。



その昔 ”ヘアクリーム” というものがありましたが、現在は絶滅危惧種ですね。

このヌーボマジコ アフターケアエッセンスクリームを次世代のヘアクリームと称し営業をかけていただいた時期がありました。クリームの剤形ながら、ヘアクリームの様なベタツキがないということを売り文句に!!

60代〜の層で使用されています。 そこに着目してクリーム状という剤系を生かし新たに営業をかけていただいたのです。

洗い流さないトリートメントとしてはもちろんのこと、進化したヘアクリームとしてもおすすめいただける ヌーボマジコアフターケアエッセンスクリーム



#34 《Introduction of Products》 Nuovo Magico Aftercare Essence Cream

• May 27, 2022

Fragrance with unique texture and high reputation
A product that continues to be a modest long seller

Introduction of Nuovo Magico Aftercare Essence Cream

In the early 1990s, when the term “out-bath treatment” did not yet exist in the hairdressing industry, we were selling a straightening system product that contained sulfite. One of the issues we faced was post-treatment damage care. Immediately after the treatment, no damage occurs, but as the days go by, the hair becomes dry. The first model, which became the prototype, was launched as a home care product to solve such problems.

Later, in the 2000s, thio hair straightening became the mainstream, and when we launched a new ironing menu, the problem of iron damage care also arose. At that time, we had some knowledge of the problem, so we launched this product with a slightly different formulation based on the original model.

The straightening menu have been gradually finished its role and the series have been discontinued. However, people asked us to continue this home care product, so we changed the formula slightly and released it as a stand-alone product, the Nuovo Magico Aftercare Essence Cream.

It is difficult to describe in sentences or words, but it is a unique texture in a good way. It is not sticky and leaves hair silky smooth with just the right amount of moisture and shine.

Nowadays, oil is the mainstream out-bath treatment, but for the generation that only knows oil, I believe that this texture will be a novelty.

As an aside, there used to be such a thing as “hair cream,” but it is now an endangered species.
As far as I know, there are a few manufacturers in the industry that sell them.

A sales representative for a certain dealer has once sold it saying,
『The old standard hair cream has been a long seller, well known and proven, but
this Nuovo Magico Aftercare Essence Cream is called the next generation hair cream.』 The sales pitch was that it was a cream formulation, but without the stickiness of a hair cream!

No-rinse treatment is used by people in/under their 50s treated hair color or permanent wave. Hair creams, on the contrary, are used by 60s and up. This is the reason why we were asked to take advantage of the cream formulation to launch a new business.

Nuovo Magico Aftercare Essence Cream, which can be recommended as an advanced hair cream as well as a no rinse-off treatment.
We hope you will give it a try.

Click here for the product page. ↓
