女性特有のお悩みに寄り添うフェムケア商品 ウアオ フェムケアソフトウォッシュ

女性の社会での活躍の場が増加していること伴い、ここ最近よく耳にするようになった ”フェムテック” や ”フェムケア” というワード。女性特有の健康課題をテクノロジーやサービス、製品を通じて解決する概念です。女性の心と身体は女性ホルモンによって大きく影響され、生理・妊娠・出産・更年期などライフステージによってさまざまな健康課題と向き合います。



美容関連の展示会では”フェムテック”や”フェムケア”の盛り上がりを肌で感じることができるのですが、理美容業界ではまだこの”フェムテック” ”フェムケア”というワード自体を知らない方もたくさんいらっしゃいます。

そんな中 ウアオより初めてフェムケア市場へ参入する商品が2024年7月22日発売に発売されます。




☆ウアオ フェムケアソフトウォッシュ 30g
希望小売価格 880円(税込)



A femcare product for women’s specific concerns WUAO Femcare Soft Wash

• July 12, 2024

FemTech” and “FemCare” are words that we have been hearing more and more recently as women’s roles in society have been increasing. FemTech” and “FemCare” are concepts that solve women’s specific health problems through technology, services, and products. A woman’s mind and body are greatly affected by female hormones, and she faces various health issues depending on her life stage, such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

According to a survey by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the annual labor opportunity loss due to physical problems caused by menstruation amounts to 490 billion yen. The promotion of “FemTech” and “FemCare” by companies is expected to help reduce these opportunity losses and deepen the understanding of male employees.  The “FemTech” and “FemCare” markets are expected to expand further in the future.

Click here to see past Femtec blog.

At beauty-related exhibitions, you can experience the excitement of “FemTech” and “FemCare” firsthand, but there are still many people in the hairdressing and beauty industry who are not familiar with the terms “FemTech” and “FemCare”.

Under such circumstances, WUAO’s first product to enter the femcare market will be released on July 22, 2024.

It moisturizes the skin and thoroughly removes dirt from sebum and pores without damaging the keratin.

It can also be used on the delicate zone, so every time you wash it, you will feel refreshed about the unique feminine problems you are concerned about!

Support women to deal with their health challenges!

☆WUAO Femcare Soft Wash 30g
Suggested retail price 880 yen (tax included)

July 22, 2024 Release
