ウアオ フィザップで夏を乗り切ろう

この夏ニュースでは連日 ”危険な暑さ”や”災害級の暑さ” ”観測史上最高”といった言葉を耳にしますが確かに今年の夏も暑く、日中は外に出るのが億劫になってしまいます。




☆クレンジング      ➾ 頭皮臭を抑える・髪や頭皮のべたつきを抑える・残留アルカリの除去

☆血行促進        ➾ 育毛 養毛 白髪改善作用・エイジングケア作用によるハリコシ・頭皮環境を健やかに

☆美容成分の頭皮浸透促進 ➾ 炭酸ガスが角質に浸透するのと一緒に美容成分も浸透しやすくなる。

☆収れん         ➾ 頭皮→ボリュームアップ フェイスリフト

大量の汗をかいて、ベタついた髪や頭皮、頭皮臭を抑えてスッキリと! クレンジング効果が期待できます。






⭐︎ウアオファザップ 110g


WUAO Fizzup will get you through the summer

• 2024.08.02

This summer, we have been hearing words like “dangerously hot,” “disaster-level heat,” and “highest ever recorded” every day in the news. It is true that this summer has been hot again, making it hard to go outside during the daytime.

In order to stay comfortable during this summer season, when you sweat profusely and become uncomfortable, we hope you will enjoy your shampoo time with WUAO Fizzup and get through the summer.

By using WUAO Fizzup together with your regular shampoo, you can transform it into a highly concentrated carbonated shampoo, and enjoy the soft, dense lather, firmer feel, and shiny, highly concentrated carbonation that you cannot experience with shampoo alone.

The effects of carbonic acid are,

☆ Cleansing ➾ Reduces scalp odor, reduces stickiness of hair and scalp, removes residual alkali

☆ Promote blood circulation ➾ Hair growth and hair nurturing, hair graying improvement action and aging care action to improve hair elasticity and healthy scalp environment

☆ Promotes penetration of beauty ingredients into the scalp ➾ Along with carbon dioxide gas penetrating the keratin, beauty ingredients also penetrate more easily.

☆ Astringent ➾ Scalp → Volumizing hair, Face lift
Hair → Tightens cuticles and makes hair shiny

Cleansing sticky hair and scalp after sweating profusely, you can feel refreshed and reduced scalp odor! Cleansing effect can be expected.

And I recommend using it with WUAO Deep Cool Shampoo in the summer.

The cool sensation mixed with the carbonation makes for a more exhilarating bath time experience.

You can also experience the benefits of dense, highly concentrated carbonic acid by massaging your scalp with WUAO Fizzup after taking a bath.

The hot days are still ahead. Let’s get through the hot summer in WUAO Fizzup.


⭐︎WUAO Fizzup 110g
Suggested retail price 1,980 yen (tax included)
