髪や頭皮のイヤなニオイにおすすめのトリートメントローション ウアオローズドレスヘアフレッシュナー


そんな夏場のニオイ対策に効果を発揮する優れた商品 ウアオ ローズドレスヘアフレッシュナー をご紹介します。








300ml 希望小売価格 1,540円(税込)
1000ml 業務用


Treatment lotion to prevent bad smell of hair and scalp WUAO Rose Dress Hair Freshener

• August 23, 2024

The heat is still intense, and the unpleasant smell of scalp and hair is as much of a concern as the stickiness of your skin after sweating every day.

Introducing WUAO Rose Dress Hair Freshener, an excellent product that is effective in combating such summer odors.

The deodorizing effects of silver ions and catechin block unpleasant smells from the hair and scalp, and the rose fragrance adorns the hair.

This product was born about 15 years ago from information at the time that a certain number of people do not shampoo every day for various reasons, such as being busy or having a troublesome schedule. To solve the problem of people who do not shampoo every day but are concerned about the smell of their scalp and hair, we developed this product as a lotion with a deodorant function plus a treatment effect to fix sleeping habits and reduce dryness.

In addition, it gives hair luster and smoothness while reducing static electricity generation, and its unique antibacterial and anti-pollution formula (protects hair and skin from air pollutants) guards hair from various irritants and pollutants such as odors, UV rays, PM2.5, and pollen.

It is also a versatile product used as cutting lotion and blow lotion in salon work.

The texture is unique, with a light and silky finish, and you can realize the feeling with a quick spray on the palm of your hand.

The product is a treatment lotion with such a wide range of functions that it is easy to recommend to customers.

I recommend it as a versatile product for combating the unpleasant smell of sweat and sebum on the hair and scalp, as a sleep-fixing, treatment lotion, and blow lotion!

☆ WUAO Rose Dress Hair Freshener
300ml Suggested retail price 1,540 yen (tax included)
1,000 ml for business use
