





「86歳になった今も自分は営業という仕事をしてきて本当に良かったと心から思えます。それは、年齢を重ねても ”うれしさ” を感じることができることと ”ありがとう” を自然に口に出して言えること」

「高齢者の方が集まるサークルに参加することがよくありますが、その中には ”うれしさ” を感じることができない人や ”ありがとう” を自然に言えない人がいます。」

「”うれしさ” を感じることができることや ”ありがとう” を自然に言えることは、自分が営業の仕事を通じて身につきました。

若いころにサロンを開拓してはじめて注文をいただいた時にすごくうれしかったことは今でも覚えています。その時の ”うれしさ” が仕事の原動力となり長年営業を続けてくることができました。そして、ご注文をいただくと ”うれしさ” と感謝の気持ちで ”ありがとうございます” という言葉が自然に出てきます。

営業を続けてきた中でこれらのことを体で覚えているので、86歳になった今でも 日常生活の中で ”うれしさ” を感じることができるし、”ありがとう” が自然に出てきます。」

そして、最後に力を込めてOBの方から社員の方へ熱いメッセージとして、 「自分の為に一生懸命仕事をしてください」 と〆のお言葉。


日々の小さな ”あたりまえ” に感謝を積み上げていきたいと思います。


Learning from a senior sales executive

• 2025.01.31

I recently participated in an event for one of our client dealers.

This event is held once a year, and in addition to us trading companies and manufacturers, alumni who have retired from this dealer, making policy announcements and presenting employee awards. In recent years, due to the influence of Corona, this event was held for the first time in 5 years.

Here is an excerpt from the speech given by one of the alumni during the event.

Now 86 years old, this alumnus is a senior in the beauty industry, having entered the industry at the age of 24 and having worked in sales for 46 years until his retirement at the age of 70.

The following is a summary of what this senior alumnus had to say.

“I am still very happy to have been in sales, even at the age of 86,” he said. ” That is, even as I get older, I can still feel happiness and say thank you naturally.”

“Often, I attend circles where the elderly gather, and among them are those who cannot feel happy or cannot say thank you naturally.”

“I have learned to feel happiness and to say thank you naturally through my sales work.

I still remember how happy I was when I was young and received my first order from a salon. That happiness at that time became the driving force of my work, and I have been able to continue my business for many years. When I receive an order, I naturally say thank you out of happiness and gratitude.

I have learned these things in my body through my years in business, so even now, at the age of 86, I can still feel happiness in my daily life, and thank you comes naturally.”

Finally, he gave a passionate message to the employees, “Work hard for yourself,” he said in closing.

He speaks calmly, but with a weight and persuasiveness that listeners can feel, and this is because he has a heart that is grateful for everything.

I would like to accumulate gratitude for the small “ordinary” things we do every day.
