白髪かくし イリヤ化学 彩グレイヘアコンシーラー 9月29日発売










⭐︎イリヤ 彩グレイヘア コンシーラー
全3色 ライトブラック・ダークブラウン・ナチュラルブラウン
希望小売価格 ¥2530-(税込)


Gray Hair Concealer: Iriya Chemical “Irodori Gray Hair Concealer”, on sale September 29

• September 01, 2023

Gray hair at the root that you suddenly notice before going out.
Products to hide gray hairs that are convenient to have at such times.

In the barbershop and beauty salon industry, color sprays, mascaras, pencils, and other products to hide gray hair are sold to customers who have had their hair dyed as care products until their next visit to the salon.

The one I remember most is a foundation-type gray hair concealer that hit the market about 20 years ago.
It was a hit because women were accustomed to using it and the foundation formulation blended naturally with gray hairs, making it easy to use.

There are two main types of gray hair concealers: temporary gray hair concealers that can be washed out with shampoo, and gray hair concealers that contain dyes that gradually dye gray hair with continued use.

The longest-selling gray hair concealer is probably the color spray, but it has problems such as a crispy finish, color migration due to sweat or rain, and stickiness.

We will be introducing Irodori Gray Hair Concealer, which is scheduled to be released by Iriya Chemical on September 29.

The water-proof formula is resistant to sweat and rain, and its creamy texture dries quickly and easily on the hair without stickiness or color transfer.
It can be used not only on gray hair but also on the scalp, making it an excellent product for those who are concerned about their skin showing through.
Its compact size makes it easy to carry around.

The end of the container is a hemispherical sponge through which the creamy contents come out.
Turning the back of the container pushes the contents out and pushes the agent out. (Be careful not to turn it too far!)
I have a feeling it will sell!

⭐︎ Iriya Irodori Gray Hair Concealer
Available in 3 colors: light black, dark brown, and natural brown
Suggested retail price ¥2530-(tax included)
Scheduled to go on sale on September 29, 2023
