





大きな釜へ入れて混ぜて熱を加えて中身をを作ります。料理とやっていることはほぼ同じです。釜のサイズも様々で数百キロの釜から5トンの釜まで注文を受けた数量によって使用する釜を変えるようです。 家族4人分のカレーを作るときの鍋と10人分作る時の鍋のサイズが違うということを考えるとイメージしやすいかと思います。また、1トンの中身を製造して1Lの商品を1000本作る場合と500mlの商品を2000本作る場合、効率はどちらが良いか??ということも現場で見るとよく理解できます。




充填の後は梱包の作業です。この工程はやはり手作業ですね。化粧箱へ入れて、内箱に入れて 梱包箱に入れてロットNoを打刻して段ボールを封印します。


我々は毎月各メーカーさんから新商品のご案内を受けます。そしてその商品が”売れるか売れないか” という判断基準を重きにおいて取り扱いを決定していますが、商品を作っている方の顔、モノづくりに対する姿勢、開発の経緯などを知ることで、作り手の思いもくみ取って取り扱いを判断し、商品を丁寧に売らなければと・・・



To visit a manufacturer’s factory

• October 13, 2023

The other day I visited the factory of one of our supplier manufacturers.

The sales representative, who has always been very kind to us, invited us several times to visit the factory, so I decided to go on this inspection tour.

I think it is more important for a manufacturing plant to have a control system in place to maintain quality rather than its size.

At a site where filling is automated but manual labor is involved in the processes before and after, it is necessary to improve daily operations to prevent human error, in addition to the basic principles of organization, neatness, and thoroughness of 5S.

Before entering the factory, they are given a white coat and cap to wear, and before entering the manufacturing site, they enter a closed room for 10 seconds, where air is blown out of the room to remove dust from their clothes.
After passing through the room, you will finally enter the manufacturing site.

Prepare the necessary ingredients based on the recipe of the product to be made from the raw material warehouse.
The ingredients are put into a large pot, mixed, and heated to make the contents. What they do is almost the same as cooking. The size of the pot varies from several hundred kilograms to five tons, and the pot used depends on the quantity ordered. It is easy to imagine the difference in size between a pot used to make curry for a family of four and one used to make curry for a family of ten. Also, if you manufacture 1 ton of contents and make 1,000 bottles of 1L product or 2,000 bottles of 500ml product, which is more efficient? This can also be better understood by looking at the site.

The finished contents are transferred to a separate pot to cool to room temperature and begin the filling process.
Before setting up the container, air is blown into the container to completely blow out any dust or foreign substance inside.

The containers are then set and the rest of the process is automatic, making it possible to mass produce with minimal labor.

Automatic filling is never boring to watch. I wonder who came up with such a machine. At the same time, I can’t help but imagine how much it would cost.
After filling is the packing process. This process is still manual. The product is placed in a decorative box, placed in an inner box, placed in a cardboard box, and then the batch number is stamped and the cardboard box is sealed.

This factory has a lot of know-how, as they make our original products and also produce products for major mass retailers.
Every month, we receive information about new products from manufacturers. We decide which products to handle based on the criteria of “whether or not the product will sell.” However, by learning about the faces of the people who make the products, their attitude toward manufacturing, and the background of development, we are able to understand the thoughts of the manufacturers and make our own decisions. We must sell our products with care…

It was a good opportunity to straighten myself.
