PPT美容液スプレー大ヒット! PPT3ツヤ特化型美容液シリーズ

今 PPT美容液スプレーが熱い!! ビーエスセレクト PPT美容液スプレー

株式会社賢人さんが展開するビーエスセレクト ティレスPPT3ツヤ特化型美容液シリーズ




この大バズりしているPPT美容液スプレーは、1秒で天使の輪が実現、つやつや サラサラの質感に!

X(旧twitter)上では ツヤに対する評価が高く ”他のスプレーとレベルが違う” ”髪だけ橋本環奈になれる” ”乃木坂級の美髪になれる”等 ポジティブな評価が目立っています。


ビーエスセレクト ティレスPPT3ツヤ特化型美容液シリーズのユーザーさんは20代から40代の方だそうですが、日常的にオイルやミルクなどを使用している世代でもあります。この世代の方達から見て、PPT美容液スプレーは瞬時に天使の輪ができて、ツヤツヤ、サラサラでスタイルを崩すことなく、しかもスプレータイプで手を汚すことなく手軽に使用できるという利便性と品質がうけて今回の大ヒットにつながったと考えています。



☆ビーエスセレクト ティレス PPT美容液スプレー 120g
希望小売価格 1,320円(税込)


PPT serum spray a big hit! PPT3 shine specialized serum series

• 2025.01.17

PPT serum spray is hot right now! BS Select PPT Serum Spray

BS Select TILESS PPT3 luster-specific serum series developed by Kenjin Co., Ltd.

The PPT serum spray in it is very hot right now.

This series specializes in shine, and products are designed with a focus on angel rings, with a lineup of products in various formulations to suit different styles and hair types.

The PPT serum spray was introduced on SNS by an influencer about two years ago, and from there word of mouth gradually spread, and since last fall they have been unable to manufacture the product in time. Since the manufacturer has not advertised or promoted the product, we believe it is a genuine product that has spread so far only by true word of mouth about its quality.

This PPT serum spray, which is a huge buzz-worthy product, achieves angel rings in one second and leaves hair with a glossy, silky texture!
This unique product is an aerosolized leave-in treatment formulated with PPT and other intensive care beauty ingredients, making it different from conventional leave-in treatments.

On X (formerly twitter), there were many positive comments about the shine, such as “It’s different from other sprays,” “You can become Kanna Hashimoto with just your hair,” and “You can have beautiful hair of the level of Nogizaka 46.”, etc.

Why has this PPT serum spray gained such a following?

Users of the BS Select TILESS PPT3 shine-specific serum series are said to be in their 20s to 40s, but they are also the generation that uses oil and milk serum on a daily basis. The PPT serum spray instantly creates angel rings, leaving hair shiny and silky without compromising hair style, and the convenience and quality of the spray-type product, which can be used easily without getting hands dirty, have led to this big hit among that generation.

Easily achieve angel rings in 1 second!

☆BS Select TILESS PPT serum spray 120g
Suggested retail price 1,320 yen (tax included)
