キーワード (順不同)
原料不足や電力不足・原油価格高騰や中国のロックダウン・コンテナ不足・ウクライナ情勢に円安と様々な要因が重なり合い日本全体が値上げラッシュとなりました。これはこの業界に限らず他の業界でも同じだったと思います。打ち合わせにご来訪いただくメーカさんの半数以上が値上げのお話という月もありました(笑) 我々の場合9月時点で取り扱いアイテム約600アイテムが一斉値上げになりました。今後この値上げにどのような影響があるのかわかりませんが、”値上げ” は今年一番話題になったキーワードです。
コロナ禍と共に過ごしたこの約2年半、サロンさんでは、常連客の来店サイクル減少や他店への流出で月の来店数が減少傾向に陥り毎月の売上が読めない状況が続きました。一方で来店数の減少をカバーすることや他店との差別化、価格競争に巻き込まれない対策として ”高付加価値メニュー” に関心が高まっていると感じています。業界を牽引する大手メーカーさんもサロンさんの売上を上げる為に新しい高付加価値メニューに関する商品の開発には積極的です。ここ数年の代表格としては ”髪質改善” を前面に打ち出したトリートメントや酸熱トリートメントが挙げられるでしょう。従来のサロントリートメントと比較して工程や成分、仕上がりの違いが感じやすいので差別化と高単価化がしやすいといったお声をよく聞きます。さらに ”酸性ストレート” や ”脱白髪染め” も同様に高付加価値メニューの部類に属しておりこれからますます広がっていくと思います。
”集客” に関しては組織(サロン)の集客から個(スタイリスト)の集客へシフトしていってるということを肌感覚で感じます。
インスタグラムなどの ”SNS” でスタイリストさんが得意のスタイルを写真や動画でわかりやすくしかも、ビフォーアフターまで添えてで発信できるようになりました。そのスタイルを見たフォロワーやお客さんはスタイリストのプロフィールを見て指名で予約をする。こんな流れができています。
”業務委託” や ”シェアサロン” の増加と共に ”フリーランス” として仕事をする方も増えたと思います。理美容業界にも ”働き方” の変化が出てきましたね。
また組織の集客から個の集客へ変化したのは ”SNS” 等の発信するツールが発達しただけでなくフリーランスのスタイリストさんが働ける環境が増えたことも後押ししたとも思ってます。
2022 Year in Review and Keywords
• December 23, 2022
There are only a few days left in this year.
Time flies like an arrow.
It has been a year that has flown by.
Looking back over the past year, I have tried to pick up some of the words that came up frequently in my daily work and that I talked about with my clients and suppliers. I have also summarized my own feelings through my work based on these keywords.
Keywords (in no particular order)
・No dye on gray hair
・Acid straightening
・Hair quality improvement
・High value-added menu
・Working style
・Share Salon
・Price Raise
・Customer Attraction
・Direct transportation to Salon
⭐︎ price hikes
A combination of various factors such as raw material shortages, electricity shortages, soaring crude oil prices, the Chinese lockdown, container shortages, the situation in Ukraine, and the weak yen caused a rush of price hikes throughout Japan. I think this was the same not only in this industry but in other industries as well. There were months when more than half of the manufacturers we visited for meetings were talking about price hikes. We do not know how these price hikes will affect us in the future, but “price hike” was the most talked-about keyword this year.
⭐︎ high value-added menu / hair quality improvement / acid straightening / no dying on gray hair
For the past two and a half years with Corona Disaster, salons have been experiencing a downward trend in the number of monthly visits due to a decrease in the cycle of visits by regular customers and an outflow of customers to other salons, making monthly sales unreadable. On the other hand, we are sensing a growing interest in “high value-added menus” as a measure to cover the decline in the number of visits, differentiate themselves from other salons, and avoid price competition. Major manufacturers who lead the industry are also actively developing new high-value-added menu products to increase salon sales. The most representative products of the past few years are treatments that put “hair quality improvement” at the forefront, and acid heat treatments. Compared to conventional salon treatments, we often hear customers say that the difference in process, ingredients, and finish can be easily perceived, making it easy to differentiate products and increase unit prices. In addition, “acid straightening” and “no dying on gray hair” also belong to the same category of high-value-added menus, and we believe they will continue to expand in the future.
⭐︎SNS/customer attraction/branding/marketing
The words “branding” and “marketing” are now commonly used in the hairdressing industry.
In terms of “customer attraction,” I feel that there is a shift from attracting customers by the organization (salon) to attracting customers by the individual (stylist).
Stylists are now able to send out their best styles with easy-to-understand before and after photos and videos on “SNS” such as Instagram. Followers and customers who see the style will look at the stylist’s profile and make an appointment. This is how the service works.
The name and brand of the salon and the stylists were part of that brand, and the organizational structure itself has not changed,
The reason for choosing a salon…
In the past, salons were selected based on name, brand and word of mouth.
Now, people choose a stylist based on the style and techniques that the stylist communicates on SNS and Hot Pepper.
This means that the target of selection has shifted to a stylist from a salon.
And with the increase in the number of “outsourcing” and “shared salon” stylists, I think the number of people working as “freelancers” has also increased. I think that the “way of working” is changing in the hairdressing industry as well.
The shift from attracting customers as an organization to as individuals is not only due to the development of SNS and other communication tools, but also due to the increase in the number of environments in which freelance stylists can work.
I could go on and on, so I’ll leave it at that for now.
I have learned a lot of things through business, and there are only a few days left in 2022.
In 2023, I will continue to keep my antennae up to catch industry trends and apply them to my business.