#25 最近の脱毛事情

今週は今年に入って3回目の東京出張 メーカーさんとの打ち合わせで銀座へ


そしてコロナ禍に入り ”おうち美容” が後押ししたこともあり家庭用の脱毛機器全般の出荷数も伸びたとのことでした。

当社は美容総合商社でありながら、今まで脱毛や除毛分野の商品にはご縁がありませんでしたが3年前から取り扱いを開始しました。きっかけは ”脱毛” ”光美容” というワードを頻繁に目にするようになり、家庭用機器がお求めやすい価格帯に下がったので、肌感覚としてそろそろ業界的にも売れる時期が来るかな?という勘をたよりに販売を始めました。おかげさまでその商品は現在でも販売を安定的に継続しております。



1)医療脱毛→医療行為に該当 出力の強いレーザーを使用するため少ない施術回数で効果は高いが痛みを伴う。



”妊活脱毛” ⇒妊娠中や産後に脱毛施術ができない為、妊活中に脱毛施術を行い産後の母体へのリスクや負担を軽減する。
”介護脱毛” ⇒自分が老後に介護される側になったときに清拭や排せつのふき取りの介護する第三者の負担を考慮し、あらかじめデリケートゾーンの脱毛をしておくこと。







#25 Recent Hair Removal Situation

• March 25, 2022

This week was my third trip to Tokyo this year. I went to Ginza for a meeting with a manufacturer.

We talked about the optical hair removal devices scheduled to be launched this May and the recent hair removal situation.

The market for hair removal-related products has been expanding over the past few years, with men’s hair removal salons, as one example, increasing about 11-fold between 2015 and 2019.
With the Corona disaster and the push for “at-home beauty,” the number of shipments of hair removal devices for home use in general has also increased.

Although we are a general beauty trading company, we have not been involved in the hair removal field until three years ago. The reason for this was that we began to see the words “hair removal” and “light beauty” more and more frequently, and since home-use equipment had dropped to a more affordable price range, we felt that it was time for us to start selling these products in the industry. Thanks to your support, the product continues to sell steadily to this day.

According to the manufacturer
It seems that the development of hair removal devices is progressing day by day, starting with the first generation of home-use hair removal devices when they were first released and progressing to the fifth or sixth generation of specifications currently available in the market.
This is another indication that the market is expanding and the need for home-use devices is increasing.
As is common with all equipment, the first models are usually large, mechanical in design, and expensive.
However, with each new model, the specifications are upgraded, the design is refined, and the product becomes more rounded, stylish, smaller, lighter, and more affordable.

○Types of hair removal

(1) Medical hair removal → falls under the category of medical treatment. Using high power laser beam, you can get high effect with fewer treatments but are accompanied by pain.

(2) Optical hair removal (IPL optical hair removal) → Available at esthetic salons and home-use equipment. The output is weak, so the number of treatments increases, but the pain is minimal.
(Types other than IPL optical hair removal is also available.)

And one more thing I didn’t know about hair removal.

Pregnancy hair removal” ⇒ Since it is not possible to remove hair during pregnancy and after childbirth, hair removal is performed before pregnancy to reduce the risk and burden on the mother after childbirth.

Hair removal for caregivers” ⇒To reduce the burden on people who will be taking care of you when you become a caregiver in your old age, you should have hair removal treatment for the delicate area in advance.

I see! I see.
I think the fact that these previously unexposed needs have become apparent may be a driving force behind the expansion of the market.

So, I’ve told you about the hair removal situation.
I would like to introduce you to some of the products we offer.
If you are interested, please contact our sales representative.

↓The same light energy as that of professional esthetic salons is used to care for unwanted hair and beautiful skin.


