
リニューアルオープンを機にサロンの運営方式を業務委託方式へ変更されたそうですが、所属するスタイリストさんは各人が屋号を持っています。勤務時間もスタイリストさんのライフスタイルに合わせて自由に調整し、メニュー料金もスタイリストさん自身で設定します。 まさに新しい ”働き方” だと思います。




業界内はメーカーさんが先導してサロンさんの活性化と高付加価値化を実現し、売上げUPをサポートしよう! という動きが肌感覚で伝わってきます。



Diversifying salon management styles

• February 10, 2023

This week, I visited the owner of the salon that has been connected in business with us.
The salon has been under renovation since the beginning of the year and reopened in February.
The salon has changed its management system to outsourcing, and each stylist has his or her own salon name. The working hours can be freely adjusted to suit the stylists’ lifestyles, and the menu prices are set by the stylists themselves. It is truly a new “way of working.

For your reference,
Cut prices start at 6600 yen
The highest price for a cut, color, and treatment (depending on the stylist) is 21,000 yen. And they are particular about their materials, using not only standard materials but also high-quality materials. They sometimes purchase materials based on the requests of the staffs.

The salon’s strategy seems to be to operate a high-quality salon with high added value, which will inevitably attract stylists who have the technical skills appropriate for the environment and who agree with the concept, and to provide the best service to customers who seek these values.

The owner says that the burden on the management side is not light, considering the capital investment required for the renovation, the number of registered stylists who will support the concept of the salon, the utilization rate, material costs, and so on.
The owner of the salon is determined to continue with this management style because he hopes to create a good relationship between the salon, stylists, and customers.

In the industry, manufacturers are taking the lead in supporting salons to revitalize and add value to their products and increase their sales! This is a movement that I can feel firsthand.

I feel that we will continue to see more changes in the future as the forms of operation diversify and progress.
