スキンケアの歴史が変わる・・・ 次世代のマイクロニードル






9mm経の先に高さ0.2mm 太さ0.1mmのマイクロニードルが46個装着されておりその内8個のマイクロニードルは中空となっておりニードルの中から先まで液体が通り抜ける構造となっています。


実はこの商品を開発したメーカーさん、正真正銘の ”異業種参入” でありまして、美容とは全く無縁です。光学機器や光干渉断層計?? あまり我々の商売に聞きなれないワードですが、すごい技術を持っている会社さんのようです。そして今まで蓄積されてきたそれらのノウハウで新たにマイクロニードルという事業を展開されており、肌に刺しても痛みを感じない注射針の実用化に取り組んでおられます。そしてその取り組みの中で微少な0.1mmの針に貫通孔技術を確立されました。貫通孔を通って目的物を角質内に投与することができるというすごい技術なんです! これらの技術を駆使して開発されたマイクロニードル化粧品が我々を通じて間もなく理美容業界へも展開を開始します。今サロンでの店販は高付加価値・高額商品のニーズが多くなってきているように感じます。一般市場やネット販売との差別化を図る意味でもサロンでの店販に適した商品です。 情報公開のタイミングもありますので今回は一部だけ告知させていただきました。 販売体制が完全に整った時点で改めてご案内させていただきますね。


Changing the history of skin care… Next-generation microneedle

• June 24, 2022

Microneedling, a value-added skincare product
Since its launch, microneedle has become a hot topic, with a variety of products currently available from various companies.

There is an amazing manufacturer that has created a new technology in the world of microneedles.

The world’s first hollow microneedle cosmetics.

Conventional microneedle cosmetics are generally sheet or patch dissolving types.
The structure is such that the cosmetic ingredients formed as needles are applied to the area to be cared for and dissolve over time to penetrate the skin.

On the other hand, the hollow microneedle cosmetics introduced here employ the world’s first special technology at the end of a knock-off pen-type container.

The φ9mm tip has 46 microneedles with a height of 0.2mm and a thickness of 0.1mm, 8 of which are hollow, allowing liquid to pass through from the inside of the needle to the tip.

In other words, the 0.2mm-high microneedles run into the keratin of the skin, and, it definitely delivers beauty ingredients to the keratin. through 8 of these hollow microneedles. I think the technology to pass through these 0.1mm microneedles is amazing, as well as the structure.

In fact, the manufacturer who developed this product is a genuine “entrant from a different industry” and has absolutely nothing to do with beauty. Optical instruments and optical coherence tomography? These words are not familiar to our business, but it seems that the company has amazing technology. They are working on the development of a new business called microneedling, in which they are using their accumulated know-how to develop a practical injection needle that does not cause pain when pierced into the skin. In the course of these efforts, the company has established a technology to make a through-hole in needles as small as 0.1 mm. It is an amazing technology that allows the target substance to be administered into the keratin through the penetrating hole! The microneedle cosmetics developed with these technologies will soon be available to the barber and beauty industry through us. We feel that there is a growing need for high-value-added and high-end products in salon sales today. These products are suitable for in-store sales in order to differentiate them from those sold in the general market and on the Internet. We have only partially announced the product this time due to the timing of information disclosure. We will make another announcement when the sales system is fully prepared.
