アジアの理美容事情 その8




















次なるメニュー 髪質改善ストレート の導入に向け精一杯サポートをしていきたいと思います。



Hairdressing and Beauty in Asia, Part 8

• August 30, 2024

Story about the introduction of acid perm to the Malaysian market

One of the manufacturers we export to launch a new straightening (permanent wave) product last year.

Its lineup includes both alkaline and acidic lines, and different agents are used depending on the quality of the hair and the degree of damage. I decided to propose two types of agents to the local market: hair quality improvement straightening and digital perms.

Since agents in the acidic line require new education in addition to conventional techniques, whether for straightening or digital perms, after discussions with the manufacturer, it was decided to introduce products in stages after the introduction of the alkaline line for the acidic line.

In the Japanese market, it is said that the results of acidic agents vary depending on the technician who uses them, and we often hear that the straightening result is not enough. Compared to conventional alkali agents, acidic agents require more skill.

Based on such feedback from the field in Japan, we decided that it would be impossible to suddenly develop an acidic line overseas.

I think the reason acid straightening became a trend in Japan is that it reduces damage to the hair compared to alkali.

It is a uniquely Japanese menu that combines both results and care.

On the other hand, in Asian countries, results after treatment are more important than care, so it is necessary to understand from the fundamental concept of why care is necessary.

This is the most difficult point in selling Japanese perms and colors in Asia.

I have written about this before in my blog, if you would like to read it.

So, we narrowed down our new products to the alkaline line, and at the same time, we put the straightening menu at the forefront of our sales efforts since last summer, but as a result, our distributor in Malaysia decided to introduce both the alkaline and acidic lines at the same time this spring. Moreover, it is not straightening but perming.

In fact, the Taiwanese distributor of this manufacturer was one of the first to introduce this new product, and had already trained local instructors and introduced it earlier than other countries. Moreover, both the alkaline and acidic lines were introduced at the same time.

So, we sent an instructor from this Taiwanese agency to Malaysia to conduct the first perm seminar in May. The seminar was focused on training with digital perms, not straight perms, but it was a success and well received.

And we had a second perm training course this past August, during which an instructor from our Malaysian distributor learned the techniques for this product.

Again, the results were favorable, and some items were out of stock, so we had to send additional items via air.

We are relieved that the initial introduction of the perm went well and that the perm was successful first of all.

Our strategy had been to focus on straightening hair rather than perms, but I think the change of direction and the decision to go ahead with perms was a good one, and we are grateful for the support of the Taiwanese agency.

We were also surprised at how quickly the local community learned to use acidic reducers, much faster than we had anticipated.

We will do our best to support the introduction of the next menu, Hair Quality Improvement Straightening.

This time around.
