アジアの理美容事情 その5 WUAOブランド マレーシア初上陸



マレーシアでの商売の中でよく Aサロン Bサロン Cサロン という言葉を耳にします。








Aに導入されている材料とは 欧米系のメーカーの中のハイエンドブランドや日本メーカーのブランド

Bに導入されている材料とは 欧米系のメーカーの一般大衆ブランド及び韓国ブランド

Cに導入されている材料とは 中国製材料



WUAOは日本製で品質も良いがマレーシアではネームバリューもない、更にフルレンジ(サロンメニューのカラー パーマ ヘアケア スタイリングの全てを網羅する)ブランドではないので


美容と健康に関するもの化粧品(頭髪・肌用)・道具類・小物・雑貨類 なんでもご相談くださいね。


Hairdressing and Beauty in Asia Part 5: WUAO Brand – Debut in Malaysia

• 2022.08.19

The story of when Wuao products first landed in Malaysia.

Every time I went on an overseas business trip, I would always go to Malaysia and try to arrange time for business meetings with suppliers that I could meet with regardless of whether or not we were doing business.

In Malaysia, we often hear the term “A salon, B salon, C salon” in business.
This expression means the rating of a salon.

A→Luxury store
B→Standard store
C→Low-priced store

It is like that.

The products they deal vary depending on the composition of their client salons. As I do business with many distributors, I have come to be able to tell which class of salon a distributor mainly deals with by looking at the response to the products we offer.

Salon ratings and menu prices and materials used are numerically proportional.

Fees and materials appropriate for A
Fees and materials appropriate for B
Fees and materials appropriate for C

And in fact, what are the materials introduced in A? High-end brands among Western manufacturers and Japanese manufacturers’ brands.

What are the materials introduced in B? General public brands from Western manufacturers and Korea.

What are materials introduced in C? Materials made in China.

I believe they are roughly categorized in this way.

The president of a supplier in Kuala Lumpur, who at that time had not yet done business with us and with whom we had had several business meetings, was looking for a simple, high-quality salon treatment.
So I introduced him to our one-bath salon treatment, the predecessor to our Wuao S treatment.
The sampling evaluation was very positive, but the price of delivery was a bottleneck. The price we offered was about the same as the price we sell to dealers in Japan, but we were told that the cost was less than twice the local market price for one-bath treatments.
We offered rather lower price and managed to win our first order for the Wuao brand in Malaysia.
It was not a large quantity, but I still remember how happy I was.

The president said that he would market our products to salons A and B, but that he might not be able to expect a large number of customers.
WUAO is made in Japan and has good quality, but it does not have name value in Malaysia, and it is not a full-range brand (covering all color, perm, hair care, and styling items on the salon menu).
Therefore, their sales would be as a special menu only available in limited salons in a limited business area.

It was a valuable experience for me, as I was pleased with my first order of WUAO brand in Malaysia and learned something new at the same time.

We supply products for salons in Japan (but not only for salons) to various countries.
We also export products at the request of manufacturers who do not have sales channels overseas and who want to export but do not have the know-how to do so.
If you are a manufacturer who read this blog and would like to export your products overseas but do not have the know-how, please feel free to contact us.
Cosmetics (for hair and skin), tools, accessories, and miscellaneous goods related to beauty and health, please feel free to contact us.
