ベルタ スカルプシャンプーのご紹介
”女性のライフステージをあなたと育む” というコンセプトを大切にして商品を販売しています。
プレコンセプションケア マタニティケア 産後育児中ケア ベビーケア トータルヘアケア トータルインナーケア

それぞれのグループの中にこだわりの商品を展開されています。まさに会社のコンセプトの通り ”女性のライフステージをあなたと育む” ということを追及されていると思います。
抜け毛や薄毛 白髪やくせ毛でお悩みの方に最適な美容液のようなシャンプーなんです。
ベルタさんは元々はB to Cでエンドユーザ―へ商品を直販している通販メーカーさんで、理美容業界にはご縁はなかったようですが今回担当営業さんとご縁をいただき当社を通じて理美容業界初参入の運びとなりました。
ベルタスカルプシャンプー 300ml
小売価格 6,578円(税込)
A femtech product now on sale Belta Scalp Shampoo for women’s hair loss, thinning hair, gray hair, and frizzy hair
• 2023.03.17
Finally, its sale has begun!
Introduction of Belta Scalp Shampoo
I recently wrote a blog post about the pre-announcement of the start of handling Femtech-related products.
Belta Co., Ltd., the company that markets this product, sells products based on the important concept of “nurturing women’s life stages with you.”
The product lineup developed by Belta Co. is grouped into a wide range of categories, such as Preconception Care, Maternity Care, Postpartum Care, Baby Care, Total Hair Care, Total Inner Care.

Each of these groups has developed its own particular products. I believe that the company is pursuing the very concept of “nurturing women’s life stages with you.”
This time, we will start handling scalp shampoos in the field of total hair care, which is our strongest area of expertise.
It’s a shampoo like a beauty essence, ideal for those who suffer from hair loss, thinning hair, gray hair, and frizzy hair, which contains 13 carefully selected amino acids, hyaluronic acid, and 44 natural organic ingredients as dual anti-aging care ingredients for scalp and hair.
Also, it is without 9 additives including no silicones, which is ideal for women who are concerned about aging care for their hair.
We plan to gradually expand the range of products we offer as we see the response to our products.
Belta was originally a B to C mail-order manufacturer that sold products directly to end users and had no connection to the hairdressing industry, but we have had a connection with their salesperson, so that they have entered beauty industry through us.
Products are delivered to salons through a reliable direct delivery system that is now being adopted by manufacturers in the hairdressing and beauty industry.
And we too would like to spread this product nationwide with confidence.
Belta scalp shampoo 300ml
Retail price 6,578 yen (tax included)
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.