東京インターナショナルギフトショー 2022秋 視察







防災 エシカル キャンプ サウナ アルコールチェッカー クラウドファンディング 等



・ギフトとして購入していただく 等々





これから個別に商談を行い取引に繋げていきます。 営業は商談数が数字に比例しますが、仕入れもまた同様で、商談継続案件をいかに抱えているかで部門や会社の数字が変わります。



Tokyo International Gift Show Fall 2022 Inspection

• September 09, 2022

This week I was on a two-day business trip to Tokyo to visit the Tokyo International Gift Show at Big Sight.

I have written about exhibitions several times, and the last time was also an exhibition story. Visiting exhibitions is an extremely important part of our work to gather information and discover new business materials.

The gift show I visited this time was different from specialized exhibitions focused on beauty and health, with many exhibitors promoting their products in booths that were divided into a wide variety of genres, each with its own unique style.

Beauty & Cosmetics and Health Care are our main genres, but there are so many more, including Home Furnishings & Lighting, Imported Gifts, Flowers, Greenery & Gardening Goods, Fragrance Products, Fashion Accessories, Household Goods, Local Brands, Premium Food, Glamping, Digital Gadgets & Devices, and more.

When you come to an exhibition, you can recognize the trends in the genre. And you are sure to see words that symbolize those trends.

Words we saw this time were as below,

Disaster prevention, Ethical, Camping, Sauna, Alcohol checker, Crowdfunding, etc.

There are many things I want more personally than as a commercial product, same as usual.

When searching for merchandise at an exhibition like this gift show, which has a wide range of genres and does not specialize in beauty and health, I make various hypotheses and build up an image of what I want to sell.

・Use them as materials.
・To be used as a substitute for materials currently in use
・Let stylists and stuffs of beauty salons use them.
・Sell them as a gift・・・etc.

In the past, we’ve thrown out the stereotypes and created new hits.
I believe that it is an important role of trading companies to create new demand with new ideas.

And the day passed in a flash, and looking back, the pedometer on my iPhone read 16705 steps.

Looking back through my business cards and catalogs, I’ve got quite a few. From now on, individual business negotiations will be conducted to lead to business transactions. In sales, the number of business negotiations is proportional to the number of transactions, and the same is true for purchasing. The numbers of business negotiations which we do will control sales of the department and the company.

I hope they would understand our intentions and direction talking one by one, so that we can do business with them!
