台湾での営業にて  その2










In business in Taiwan, Part 2

• September 27, 2024

In my previous blog, I reported on the cosmetics situation in Taiwan, which is shaken by the implementation of the PIF system.

This is another story from Taiwan.
At the beginning of our business meeting with the distributor who handles our WUAO products, they expressed their strong intention to expand sales of WUAO S Treatment and Smooth Lock even more than before. We are very grateful for their understanding of our brand and products and their sales despite the differences in language and culture.

In addition to S treatment and Smooth Lock as salon treatment menu, Lumias out-bath treatment and Nobashi-chao are recommended for home care.

The WUAO brand in general is highly regarded for its clear product concept, simplicity of use, and the ability to immediately experience results.

In addition to the above evaluation of S Treatment and Smooth Lock in particular, the ingredients used in these products are easily differentiated from existing products on the Taiwanese market. They suggest salons to recommend these two salon treatments to their customers according to their hair quality and concerns.

Another sales method of this agency, apart from visiting salons to introduce products, is to hold regular workshops for hair stylists on beautiful hair, focusing not on products but on information other than products, such as hair care, trendy styles, trendy colors, and new ingredients.

If there is an ingredient that they learn about and are interested in at such study sessions, the distributor’s sales staffs recommend a product that contains the ingredient. Many of WUAO products, including S Treatment and Smooth Lock, which were introduced to local salons, are gradually gaining recognition from the study sessions.

S Treatment and Smooth Lock
We look forward to further market expansion in Taiwan and will provide our fullest support.
